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Joining Mafia
*MAFIA* brian1047:
I been a member here since 2006.
Loved when i used to play bf1942 with you guys.
Getting back into the gaming on here
Im now 28 years old ,have ventrilo,have a mic/headphones
Would love to be a member with you guys and part of the group.
please consider me as a candidate thanks..
*MAFIA* Beatlejuice:
Here's his original thread from 12 years ago...
I say yes. Anyone have a major issue with adding him?
*MAFIA* Dune Surfer:
Its not really major but his name doesn't make any sense to me. Why is brian not capitalised and what does 1047 refer to? A date? A time? Looks like a spam e-mail account. Which points towards one of two things: The guy has no imagination to think of a cool sounding name and with a lack of inspiration will un-doubtebly have no skill on the battlefield. Or brian1047 refers to Monty Python's 'Life of Brian' and is a joke bible reference which is un-doubtebly cool.
*MAFIA* brian1047:
My real name is brian,I like to keep things simple.and 1047 is a local rock station I listen too.
So with that being said brian1047,and my email is legit its my last,and first name,and yep you guessed it 90 is the year i was born.
And as far as skill on the battlefield,I been playing since i was 10 years old,which born in 90 ill be 28 here in a couple months..
Beetlejuice thanks for your vote man! would love to be part of the group/clan...
*MAFIA* Dune Surfer:
--- Quote from: brian1047 on May 30, 2018, 07:03:10 AM ---Well, my real name is brian. I like to keep things simple and 1047 is a local rock station I listen to.
So, with that being said I'm brian1047 and my email is legit. It's my last and first name and yep you guessed it, 90 is the year i was born.
As far as skills on the battlefield I've been playing since I was 10 years old. Born in 90 I'll be 28 here in a couple of months.
Beetlejuice, thanks for your vote man! Would love to be part of the group/clan...
--- End quote ---
*MAFIA* Grammar Police
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