Forum > Flame


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non padder:
i find it interesting that you challenge my statements except the one about you guys not having talent - lol

no use debating that now.

Just working on getting the license for your hosting company striped or at least you server taken away.  Won't take much longer.  Might loose the rest of your months service & with .62 cents in the till good luck.

I know it is easy to crack the license - just easier to waste your time & strip your "hard earned" ranks.

On the horn with The Planet

hey assclown my server company it the largest server company in the usa! you should check it out! lowest prices for bf2 servers!

also when your ready for a 1 vs 1 let me know ill set it up!

You seem like you know about EA and how they handle things.  It is quite sad to see people come in here and talk about how they have their scoring system.  If people care about their ranks so much, then don't play on the *MAFIA* server.  Better yet, don't play at all.  If you can't handle the "unfairness" in the game, then I would hate to see what you do in life.

This is really childish of you.  I'm sure this is just venting from getting owned.  So please, do us all a favor and leave.  Cause no amount of complaining and/or crying is going to fix anything.  Oh yeah, EA isn't gonna do anything.;)

non padder:
I never said I reported you - I did not.  You talked smack so I am working on revoking your server.  Your hosting company actually rents from another company.  I go top town - much faster.

Hey. Your almost cool, ur words have no impact on us because you can't do shit. Don't say you can because you can't. Your just gonna make a even bigger asshat out of your self when nothing is done. Stat padding is a exploit that has not been delt with by EA or the game designers. It is not against any rules unless your in a server that says you cannot do it.

Also Death Wish I thought u had left for school for awhile or were leaving?


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