Forum > Flame

u fags!!

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A hacking clan.WOW thier is so much to be proud of!!

Its because of peices of shit like you guys,that make online gaming suck...
Why dont you do the rest of the gaming world a favor and go jump off a cliff. O btw if you guys are hackers,you really suck at it.I just looked at ur clans bftrack stats and you guys suck.Me and my clan(non-cheating clan) Would whip the shit out of this gay ass clan with no cheats.....You guys are lamors,get some skill like a real player....  fagggs!!!

Dim4ik: that a request for a scrim?

Ohhhh I vant one! I do!

Hey Genius, did it ever occur to you that BFTracks bans hackers? Just the other day I was banned from BF Tracks. Got myslef a new key tho so I can start over :). Also the MAFIA server is CTF which isnt tracked by BF Tracks. ANYWAY I would be glad to hand you your ass any day along with any friends you wish to bring with you. BF, DC, pick a mod and a place, I'll be glad to show you what a beatdown feels like.  :box:


--- Quote from: haha-losers ---Me and my clan(non-cheating clan) Would whip the shit out of this gay ass clan with no cheats.....You guys are lamors,get some skill like a real player....  fagggs!!!
--- End quote ---

DC SCRIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yeah:

--- Quote from: haha-losers ---I just looked at ur clans bftrack stats and you guys suck
--- End quote ---

u moron, do u think we use our clantags at every server?


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