Forum > Flame
Titties, please read?
today I was in a game on Mafia server, and twice you kicked me, What's up with that?, I saw that you had typed me something, but didn't get a chance to read it, and I asked you "What"? and you didn't answer me except to kick me. why?
*MAFIA* ( . )Y( . ):
First off I didn't kick you the first time bonehead did because I was on ventrilo with him at the time. I was telling him how I was desperately trying to get your attention including ramming you while you were in a tank tk'n you! Still no response. Then right when you did reply I told Bonehead you responded and I replied back to you but was to late u were kicked. Then you come back into the server, and I would think from previous server activity you might have gotten the hint that I might want to talk to you(I MEAN I CERTAINLY WOULD HAVE)! And I seen you type message to ALEX saying you were captkurt so you do obviously know how the chat function works. I typed, HITMAN,HITMAN,HITMANHITMAN... and still nothing! So then I warned you about not responding that you would be kicked from server and mafia! Well you were kicked from server so I would like to think you would be smart enough to realize that means you are also kicked from our clan! Have a great day and a little piece of advice-PULL YOUR HEAD OUTTA YOUR ASS! Thank you for your continued patronage-lol had to:It is a joke...
PS.Please remove your *MAFIA* tag.
PSS.You also had tags wrong you had * MAFIA * which is one of the reasons for which I was trying to talk to ya!
--- Quote from: *MAFIA* Titties ---Hello,
First off I didn't kick you the first time bonehead did because I was on ventrilo with him at the time. I was telling him how I was desperately trying to get your attention including ramming you while you were in a tank tk'n you! Still no response. Then right when you did reply I told Bonehead you responded and I replied back to you but was to late u were kicked. Then you come back into the server, and I would think from previous server activity you might have gotten the hint that I might want to talk to you(I MEAN I CERTAINLY WOULD HAVE)! And I seen you type message to ALEX saying you were captkurt so you do obviously know how the chat function works. I typed, HITMAN,HITMAN,HITMANHITMAN... and still nothing! So then I warned you about not responding that you would be kicked from server and mafia! Well you were kicked from server so I would like to think you would be smart enough to realize that means you are also kicked from our clan! Have a great day and a little piece of advice-PULL YOUR HEAD OUTTA YOUR ASS! Thank you for your continued patronage-lol had to:It is a joke...
PS.Please remove your *MAFIA* tag.
PSS.You also had tags wrong you had * MAFIA * which is one of the reasons for which I was trying to talk to ya!
--- End quote ---
Ok, first of all, I'm not quite used to my new name, hitman, I know I picked it, but it still takes some time to get used to it, I've been Captkurt since battlefield first came out, give me a break, but if you don't want me for such a little mis hap, than so be it. you say there are no rules, but then because someone misses your request to respond, you kick them, what kind of person are you? you need to grow up a little.
--- Quote from: captkurt ---Ok, first of all, I'm not quite used to my new name, hitman, I know I picked it, but it still takes some time to get used to it, I've been Captkurt since battlefield first came out, give me a break, but if you don't want me for such a little mis hap, than so be it. you say there are no rules, but then because someone misses your request to respond, you kick them, what kind of person are you? you need to grow up a little.
--- End quote ---
Oh n0s! The drama! There are no rules, including rules for what we can or can't do. Double edged sword eh?
--- Quote from: *MAFIA* Titties ---Hello,
First off I didn't kick you the first time bonehead did because I was on ventrilo with him at the time. I was telling him how I was desperately trying to get your attention including ramming you while you were in a tank tk'n you! Still no response. Then right when you did reply I told Bonehead you responded and I replied back to you but was to late u were kicked. Then you come back into the server, and I would think from previous server activity you might have gotten the hint that I might want to talk to you(I MEAN I CERTAINLY WOULD HAVE)! And I seen you type message to ALEX saying you were captkurt so you do obviously know how the chat function works. I typed, HITMAN,HITMAN,HITMANHITMAN... and still nothing! So then I warned you about not responding that you would be kicked from server and mafia! Well you were kicked from server so I would like to think you would be smart enough to realize that means you are also kicked from our clan! Have a great day and a little piece of advice-PULL YOUR HEAD OUTTA YOUR ASS! Thank you for your continued patronage-lol had to:It is a joke...
PS.Please remove your *MAFIA* tag.
PSS.You also had tags wrong you had * MAFIA * which is one of the reasons for which I was trying to talk to ya!
--- End quote ---
Also, I don't recall you ever tk'ing me, it didn't happen, what a big baby you are, I don't have to chat with you, Ass wipe.
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