Forum > Flame


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oMg j00 suxx sooo muchz0r j00 h4xX0rzz. ! h0p3 j00 a11 d!3!!!oneone!


*MAFIA* Bonehead:
That all? lol

*MAFIA* ( . )Y( . ):
Get him Bonehead!!!

Wait a second, that was the game where I HELPED you get under my team's hangar! My high score that I posted was all legit w/o glitching. Let me glitch into something and I'll have a better score than that. One time on this El Al server that I went to I went under the hangar and went 119 - 0. I got kicked before I could go any higher but I would have easily beaten your score!  :iconsex-p

i dodnt think you could get under the hanger on the mafia server


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