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Author Topic: Terrorism  (Read 59063 times)


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« on: April 23, 2006, 01:11:46 PM »

(posted on another forum)

My reply:
    The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.[/SIZE]

The unlawful use

I'll just quote drew;)...
Unlawful Use:
Quote from: Drew
This isn't fighting terrorism, this is a blank check to wage military operations internationall y without the president needing to go to Congress to declare war.

or threatened use of force


violence by a person or an organized group against people or property



with the intention of intimidating or coercing




intimidating or coercing societies or governments

Society or Government:

often for ideological or political reasons.

It's as simple as 2+2=4.  Bush + War = Terrorism.  What defines terrorism?  What he does, is terrorism.  Iraq didn't strike first, we did.  Therefore, we are terrorists.  How do Iraqi's feel?  Turn on the news.  They feel they're being approached by an organized group trying to gain something for their own ideological beliefs, by a method of force and violence, whose validity on legal terms is questionable, in other terms, terrorists.
i'm joining doa;)


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« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2006, 01:21:50 PM »

I'm staying out of this one. =P


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« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2006, 02:06:28 PM »

lol, I thought it would be interesting to put on the *MAFIA* forums, because we have extreme democrats, and extreme republicans.  I'm so evil!:D

*MAFIA* Bonehead

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« Reply #3 on: April 23, 2006, 02:32:44 PM »

Kill'em all and let god sort them out.

*MAFIA* KrautKiller

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« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2006, 02:44:15 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Bonehead
Kill'em all and let god sort them out.

Ditto to that

Elliott Smith

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« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2006, 03:41:00 PM »

I do not understand the unlawful nature of the war.  Prove it's unlawful before you waste your time arguing that which cannot stand within a lawful war.


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« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2006, 05:02:39 PM »

All I have to say is you are an idiot, and probably watched one or more Michael Moore films.  Grow up and open your eyes.  This is just another "Blame Bush" campaign by another uneducated American.  Did you see any of this shit durring the first gulf war?  No...  As for unlawful, it is completely lawful and congress has deemed it so.  These are the people you elected by the way.  The only solution to solving the radical islamo-facist problem is simply to kill them all, you can not combat somone willing to die to illiminate you by conventional means, the government should use whatever means they have be it intimidation or action.  Don't get me wrong, I have a few "muslim" friends but the ones we are battleing are fanatics, and for the destruction of property and loss of life.  Collateral damage, remember we were provoced durring 9/11.  This started the "War on Terror", Iraq happened to be a place likely to harbor terrorists and DEFINATLY willing to provide them WMD's (Which it cannot be disputed that they had tons of Anthrax, Mustard Gas, and various nerve agents at the end of the gulf war look itup if you don't believe this fact.  We have records of what they had when we left, what they destroyed, and what has mysteriously disappeared off the face of the earth)  We invaded Iraq as a continueance on the "war on terror"  and guess what I will not be suprised if we invade Iran next.  They all do pose a threat to us and problems will not be solved leaving them alone.  If you want to DEBATE any of these FACTS.  Pm me and I will be glad to but keep the political propaganda to a minimum here as I'm sure it will cause "Drama" and I'm sure somone will end up yelling at somone else.

Based on the UNSCOM report to the UN Security Council in January 1999 and earlier UNSCOM reports, we assess that when the UN inspectors left Iraq they were unable to account for:

    * up to 360 tonnes of bulk chemical warfare agent, including 1.5 tonnes of VX nerve agent;
    * up to 3,000 tonnes of precursor chemicals, including approximately 300 tonnes which, in the Iraqi CW programme, were unique to the production of VX;
    * growth media procured for biological agent production (enough to produce over three times the 8,500 litres of anthrax spores Iraq admits to having manufactured);
    * over 30,000 special munitions for delivery of chemical and biological agents.

Here is some information on when Iraq actually used Chemical weapons against its own people
The Halabja poison gas attack was an incident on 15 March-19 March 1988 during a major battle in the Iran-Iraq war when chemical weapons were used by the Iraqi government forces to kill a number of people in the Iraqi Kurdish town of Halabja (population 80,000). Estimates of casualties range from several hundred to 7,000 people. Halabja is located about 150 miles northeast of Baghdad and 8-10 miles from the Iranian border.

Here are some links pertaining to the RAW information if anything is not beleived to be from a reliable source.


Iraq deserved what it got and thats pretty much it.  The last thing people should be calling Bush is a terrorist.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2006, 05:23:47 PM by *MAFIA* Beetlejuice »


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« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2006, 05:47:38 PM »

Bush may not be doing the right thing, but he is not a terrorist because he is killing for a reason not over religion


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« Reply #8 on: April 23, 2006, 06:01:07 PM »

Yeah do you really think this is JUST about oil? Please....its just people trying to find some way to bitch about something else. Bush was by far the better choice over Kerry. That having been said there could have been a lot better choices. When someone comes...kills over 2000 people in the largest city in the US, then tries to target you, would you have done a better job? I stand behind my president becuase hes just that. Im not going to point the finger or bitch about this and that. Ill hope for the safe return of the troops and Ill hope that things get resolved. He might not have made the best plans for going to war, but if he didn't do something it could be worse. If you can't deal with what the US is doing, there's always Canada....or Mexico.


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« Reply #9 on: April 23, 2006, 06:14:49 PM »

Chuck Norris Aproves of this message.

*MAFIA* Bonehead

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« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2006, 06:52:52 PM »

You know I was there when the first bomb fell and I was there on the main attack, 3rd wave 82nd ba'c co'4 pa'2 and I will say I hade bullets, rockets, bombs, grenades, aa, heavy armour, and mortor fire at my ass and you know what I did? I killed me 7 of them allah loving son of a bitches with my trusty .50cal with a simons 120x50 scope at ranges of up to 1.2 miles.

So dont tell me about this terrorist BS! I was there I seen the people happy to be free of that fucking tirants rule. True not all of them see the same but the ones that do and walked up to me and thanked me for there new found freedom I must say it was worth it to protect human rights to life and freedom.

I did not do it for bush or for my co or for my self glory I did it to protect the basic human right to freedom and peace.

So dont even dare call me a fucking terrorist...

[) ! A B L 0

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« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2006, 07:36:15 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Bonehead
I did it to protect the basic human right to freedom and peace.

So dont even dare call me a fucking terrorist...

You made my skin all tingly with that one.  It's like the feeling I get when I watch a war movie and I see the bad guys getting pwned. :)


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« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2006, 09:23:50 PM »

I knew this would turn into an interesting thread...:) haven't read any replies yet, just checking here... gotsta go study...:)

I've read Swifty's post...  you take everything at 1/2 face value.  You have to take it at full face value and then analyze it.  Not just analyze it, but take into persepective the OTHER side of it.  Have some empathy for the terrorists, learn there side.  Pretend you are the median between the two sides, the US and Iraq.  To understand it, you're not going to hear one side and know it all.

We weren't provoked at 9/11.  The Bush administration lied SO much, it's rediculous.  Did you see a plane at the Pentagon?  Did you see one in Shanksville, PA?  Am I really supposed to believe that for the first 2 times in history, a plane (2 in one day), were incinerated by a fireball.  There's the theory that it hit the lower 1st story of the Pentagon, and there's a level of destruction before the collapse that shows where the wings hit.  Where are the wings?  Don't you think that a hunk of metal traveling at over 500 mph would break all the columns on the first floor... shatter glass, would knock over the spools infront as EVERY theorist site shows... so why would the government claim it to be a plane crash if they don't just show us it really was.  They release 5 frames for us to see?  That's BULLSHIT.  All they have to do is show us a few more frames of that video for us to be able to see the plane hit.

All the controversy on the government not releasing information about 911, trade center 7 falling out of the blue? and all the damning evidence, points more to the Bush administration than Al Qaeda.  What even makes you think Al Qaeda were the ones who did it?  More than HALF of the hijackers are still alive and well today, the others may still be too.  They have no solid evidence, not even an ACTUAL video of Bin Laden admitting to it.  The one the US released is obviously a fake.

And swifty, I'm uneducated?  I'm the one who takes in everything, from all sides, pictures, words, commentary, and actually am taking the time to analyze it.  ALL you're doing is relaying information that the US gives us.  You're doing absolutely nothing in the forms of thoughts.  Now, you could argue the same for me, except for the fact that I've been in researching this since about a year after it began... That's right, a 10 year old kid was smarter than you swifty.;) :D

Quote from: MadMedic
Bush may not be doing the right thing, but he is not a terrorist because he is killing for a reason not over religion

Yes, killing for reasons other than religion are perfectly fine.  Killing for personal gain as long as you are part of the US is perfectly fine.;)

Quote from: ThaSnyper
Yeah do you really think this is JUST about oil? Please....its just people trying to find some way to bitch about something else. Bush was by far the better choice over Kerry. That having been said there could have been a lot better choices. When someone comes...kills over 2000 people in the largest city in the US, then tries to target you, would you have done a better job? I stand behind my president becuase hes just that. Im not going to point the finger or bitch about this and that. Ill hope for the safe return of the troops and Ill hope that things get resolved. He might not have made the best plans for going to war, but if he didn't do something it could be worse. If you can't deal with what the US is doing, there's always Canada....or Mexico.

Bush was better than Kerry?  Kerry could only point out Bush's obvious flaws, that's it.  John Edwards, had the plans to fix everything.  Either way with that election, we were going to get royally fucked in the ass, because Kerry wouldn't have done a thing... and Edwards would push to shut down every major corporation in this country.  BUT, in November of last year, I constantly said, that if Bush get's re-elected, I expected that we would be on the brink of nuclear war.  GUESS WHAT, cha-CHING.  We are.  Nothing > nukes.  It's better to do nothing, then to start a war of M.A.D.

I completely plan on moving to another country when I have enough money.  I believe Canada has a limit of requiring a certain amount of money far too large for myself to go to.  A nice neutral country like Switzerland with your money would make me quite happy.:)  (which is argueably one of the hardest contries to immigrate too)

Bone - I admire you're heroism!:)  Now, when you were there for the first invasion... and they were shooting at you... why do you think they were shooting at you?  You're approaching their grounds... on their turf, with weapons, and planning to shoot them.  If I were one of them, fuck, I'd fire back.  I'm not gonna sit there and take one to the head without a fight.  Picture one of the most powerful armies advancing on you, with the intent of killing you.  I'd do the same thing.  As for all those people who you were able to obtain freedom for, thank you.:)
« Last Edit: April 23, 2006, 09:58:27 PM by ICEMAN »


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« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2006, 06:39:50 AM »

Ok whoa. I had a friend who was IN the pentagon. Saw the plane, dragged 3 people out of rubble and watched as others burned. I had another friend whos Dad was in the 2nd tower...got out about 15 minutes before it fell. Ive spoke with President Bush on 4 occations. (Texas A&M is where is fathers library is) Don't tell me this is some big conspiracy. Do you also have foil on your head so that the aliens can't read your mind? Come on man. I like you and do not mean this rudely or disrespectfull y but you really need to think about this here. Ive seen both sides. Seen friends go and come back from Iraq. A few dont even like Bush, but EVERY ONE of them came back saying Iraq was better off. Im sure there is plenty I dont know about what happend. I don't want to know. Any government will keep information about things we shouldn't know. What about Area 51? Who really knows whats there either. Im not saying that he's perfect but quit making things worse with ridiculous theories. He's OUR president whether we like it or not. I didn't like Clinton. But I didn't bitch about it when he was getting blown by a cow.
We aren't going to Iraq just for oil. Sure, Ill say it could be some of the reason. Im not totally nieve, but I know he easily has plenty in Alaska. He WANTED to drill there, with plans of environmental conservation, but some liberal tree huggers shot down his plan. Hey with all the money yall are spending on complaining, why don't you come up with efficient alternative fuels? Just a thought. Im sure ya'll will stick to bitchin.

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« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2006, 07:46:53 AM »

For me, I think the reason of the war in iraq was kinda stupid. However I do think that iraq is better of now. Bush just needs to get everything sorted out there in iraq FAST, and then the troops should go home ASAP.

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