Forum > General
<<OPB>>Brian48105 needs to chat with bonehead
Hey bonehead,
I would like to talk to you for a bit about a few ideas I had for our clans. I am interested in learning how to mod the maps and was thinking about a server rotation. I have a server that can support 32 players but as you mentioned can never seem to get anyone other than opb to play it. You can reach me via or yahoo messenger
I have your ventrillo info but never catch you on there and I cant access the mafia members area to chat with you.
*MAFIA* Bonehead:
Ok cool I sen't you a pm with some info. So what ideas you got? or you can wait till we can get together on ven.
*MAFIA* ( . )Y( . ):
Well bonehead I think he has tried but doesnt have the ventrilo password! Why is it password protected anyways when we invite people to join us on our server? lol No need reply I am just being anal as usual!
*MAFIA* Bonehead:
Notice it says mafia members. That means if someone or a few mafia is playing and some wacky ass joins and starts being anal then they can retreat into that channel behind the password and play in peace. Thant answer you? and also I sen't him some info in a pm? now what could that be?
Rofl titties what would I do without you :D
You guys crack me up LOL
**Oh yeah I almost forgot. Nice tits :smileys21 **
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