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Author Topic: Religious Debate  (Read 4634 times)

*MAFIA* Dune Surfer

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Religious Debate
« on: May 27, 2008, 08:35:52 AM »

We haven't had a good debate for a while and we all have a right for free speech right? so no subject should be outlawed....

OK it got me thinking the other day, when Manowar said I was going to "hell" for saying if I had a Jesus action figure I'd use it as a voodoo doll and tickle christs ass. So I watched some videos on youtube of the Westboro baptist church.
I hope this doesn't upset people but as an athiest I can't understand why is this belief in "God" stuff still being preached and believed by everyone in this day an age, when we know what the Earth is, planets are and the universe consists of. What is a "God" and what does it do? Has any1 in the history of human existance seen a "God" or something it's done? If so what was it and how did they know a "God" did it? Also Did "God tell people to call him "God" or is that just made up?
As a non-religious person sitting back and observing this wierd praying to something stuff while attacking people, recruiting people and enfusing them with self righteousness all from ideas.... get this, in stories written down by arabs 1000's of years ago, seems to me most of the world has gone mad. Also crystal clear that Religion seems to be undeniably the underlining cause of pretty much all segregation and conflict in the history of the earth.
It makes me frustrated when people keep banging on about this stuff. I mean I believed in santa up to about the age of 5 but I learnt in science class reindeers can't fly. However this stuff has been going on for a few thousand years now its getting obsurd. Its like institutionali sed brainwashing and legal on a global scale passed on through families when children are at a young age and they pass it on to their children.
No wonder people have the capacity to cut off other peoples heads and blow themselves up when they so easily devote their lifes to something that has never had any evidence to suggest it ever existed. Religious people scare me sometimes they choose to take the word of others as law, rather than use their own eyes an ears.

Well thats my opinion, shooot!

*MAFIA* Meeester

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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2008, 10:02:47 AM »

God isn't a person or thing, it's more of a state. I personaly believe that he made the Garden of Eden and such, baned Adam and Eve, ect., but all of this "he made everything in existance" stuff is just moronic. We have proof that the Earth and all other planets, stars and such were made during the Big Bang and the universe is ever expanding. Religion is like myths, it just explains the unexplainable. But it can only explain it for so long. Soon we find what REALLY happens and why it happens. A guy in a cloud with lightning sticks throwing them at people it no longer accepted. This is what most religions might end up as, simple stories and books.

edit, okay maybe not proof, but it is a highly supported THEORY
« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 10:53:54 AM by *MAFIA* Meeester »


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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2008, 11:02:44 AM »

I have to ask what evidence do we have for the big bang theory??

*MAFIA* Meeester

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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2008, 11:13:28 AM »

If the universe is constantly getting bigger, than why is that? it has to be from some sort of explosion or rapid creation.

Also, if religion tells us that the Earth started only a few thousand years ago when man first came, then what the hell are all of these fossils?


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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2008, 11:41:49 AM »

Read the Bible. I believe our Father sacrificed his only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. As a christian I also believe that we should live our lifes to glorify him. I know that he is there %100. I'm not a preecher, nor do I have enough knowledge to explain clearly, but I think the Bible is the number one source for any of your questions, specifically the Book of Revolations, even though there are many other great books and  stories. Revolations states basically the wierd, and sometimes terrible, phenomenas that come to Earth, which seems like it is coming true, due to the fact that SoCal had a tornado, freak earthquakes occuring around the world, mad hurricanes appearing, the global warming, etc. As for whether you are going to Heaven or Hell, you will find out when Judgement Day comes and you stand before God and you state how you lived your life. There is much, much more that can be said in contrast to your opinion, but I, unfortunately, cannot speak it because of the lack of knowledge.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 11:55:58 AM by *MAFIA* Pr0d1gY »


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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2008, 11:43:47 AM »

We haven't had a good debate for a while and we all have a right for free speech right? so no subject should be outlawed....

OK it got me thinking the other day, when Manowar said I was going to "hell" for saying if I had a Jesus action figure I'd use it as a voodoo doll and tickle christs ass. So I watched some videos on youtube of the Westboro baptist church.
I hope this doesn't upset people but as an athiest I can't understand why is this belief in "God" stuff still being preached and believed by everyone in this day an age, when we know what the Earth is, planets are and the universe consists of. What is a "God" and what does it do? Has any1 in the history of human existance seen a "God" or something it's done? If so what was it and how did they know a "God" did it? Also Did "God tell people to call him "God" or is that just made up?
As a non-religious person sitting back and observing this wierd praying to something stuff while attacking people, recruiting people and enfusing them with self righteousness all from ideas.... get this, in stories written down by arabs 1000's of years ago, seems to me most of the world has gone mad. Also crystal clear that Religion seems to be undeniably the underlining cause of pretty much all segregation and conflict in the history of the earth.
It makes me frustrated when people keep banging on about this stuff. I mean I believed in santa up to about the age of 5 but I learnt in science class reindeers can't fly. However this stuff has been going on for a few thousand years now its getting obsurd. Its like institutionali sed brainwashing and legal on a global scale passed on through families when children are at a young age and they pass it on to their children.
No wonder people have the capacity to cut off other peoples heads and blow themselves up when they so easily devote their lifes to something that has never had any evidence to suggest it ever existed. Religious people scare me sometimes they choose to take the word of others as law, rather than use their own eyes an ears.

Well thats my opinion, shooot!

Agnostic,an infidel or an atheist?

ag·nos·tic   Audio Help   /ægˈnɒstɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ag-nos-tik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as God, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.  
2. a person who denies or doubts the possibility of ultimate knowledge in some area of study.  
–adjective 3. of or pertaining to agnostics or agnosticism.  
4. asserting the uncertainty of all claims to knowledge.  


a·the·ist   Audio Help   /ˈeɪθiɪst/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ey-thee-ist] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.  

I kinda gotta agree with dune while staying out of this, on one hand i gotta say there a explanations for everything,even if we haven't found them all yet but on the other hand where would some of us be without something/one to believe in? Its not always "god" that will intervene in our lives but the thought of a higher being and power that can keep some sane.

"At some point in their lives, 1 in 6 children will be abducted by the dutch." ~The fact core, Portal 2.

*MAFIA* ßlåkjáx

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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #6 on: May 27, 2008, 11:48:17 AM »

We have proof that the Earth and all other planets, stars and such were made during the Big Bang and the universe is ever expanding.
edit, okay maybe not proof, but it is a highly supported THEORY
HAHAHAHAHA, you shouldn't talk about things you know nothing about.  The "Big Bang THEORY" is just that, a theory.  And it is growing more and more unknown because it so far fetched.  I had a teacher who was once an atheist, he told me that through all the research he did, he eventually came to know God because he could never find any realistic evidence that this world was created by some big bang theory.  I know it might be hard, but go outside, look around you, and ask yourself "why?".  Try and explain to me how and why everything is so unnecessarily beautiful.  I love the people who try to explain to me how humans came from monkeys... Hell, even Darwin grew weary of his own natural selection theory.  Why? Because he could never find proof, proof of the creation of man.  Now you might think it is weird that I believe in evolution, but I do.  I believe that creatures can adapt to their surroundings for survival, but using this as a explanation of creation, I couldn't disagree more.  There is no possible way to explain the amazing life in this world when leaving God out of the picture.  Of course you will tell me that there is no proof of God, but that is just the point is it not?  It takes more faith to believe in God, than it does to not believe. As for religion, all it does is distort the image of God so that people can view him however they want.  Religion was the worst this to happen to this small world.  All you need is faith, God will come to you if you believe. 


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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2008, 11:51:20 AM »

Read the Bible. I believe our Father sacrificed his only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. As a christian I also believe that we should live our lifes to glorify him. I know that he is there %100. I'm not a preecher, nor do I have enough knowledge to explain clearly, but I think the Bible is the number one source for any of your questions, specifically the Book of Revolations, even though there are many other great books and  stories. Revolations states basically the wierd, and sometimes terrible, phenomenas that come to Earth, which seems like it is coming true, due to the fact that SoCal had a tornado, freak earthquakes occuring around the world, mad hurricanes appearing, the global warming, etc. There is much, much more that can be said in contrast to your opinion, but I, unfortunately, cannot speak it because of the lack of knowledge.

YES! It says how the world was created and how it is going to end. All great scale events where many lives were lost are listed in the bible
It has the end of the world (2012) and scientists have multiple reasons to back up the ending of the world in 2012 (using scientific explanations of course)

There will always be people who disagree because when it comes down to debating, it's just one person's opinion trying to persuade another and sometimes peoples opinions cant be persuaded.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2008, 12:06:03 PM by DeAtH »


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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2008, 12:00:59 PM »

Blackjax is correct. If you have real faith, you do not need to see to believe, it is the total opposite that you need to do.


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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2008, 01:14:57 PM »

@death The 2012 idea came from the Mayan calendar I thought.

*MAFIA* KrautKiller

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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2008, 01:17:04 PM »

@death The 2012 idea came from the Mayan calendar I thought.

It did except they couldn't even predict when they would get owned by the spanish. So that date is useless.

*MAFIA* Dune Surfer

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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #11 on: May 27, 2008, 02:10:43 PM »

Read the Bible. I believe our Father sacrificed his only son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins. As a christian I also believe that we should live our lifes to glorify him. I know that he is there %100. I'm not a preecher, nor do I have enough knowledge to explain clearly, but I think the Bible is the number one source for any of your questions, specifically the Book of Revolations, even though there are many other great books and  stories. Revolations states basically the wierd, and sometimes terrible, phenomenas that come to Earth, which seems like it is coming true, due to the fact that SoCal had a tornado, freak earthquakes occuring around the world, mad hurricanes appearing, the global warming, etc. As for whether you are going to Heaven or Hell, you will find out when Judgement Day comes and you stand before God and you state how you lived your life. There is much, much more that can be said in contrast to your opinion, but I, unfortunately, cannot speak it because of the lack of knowledge.
If "God" exists and he supposedly did sacrifice his only son "Jesus" then whats the big deal? People sacrifice their sons everyday if you haven't noticed and surely wouldn't Jesus be sat by his father now in heaven living the easy life anyway. These books that you follow are written by "men" not Gods or sons of gods but human beings. If I burried the lord of the Rings in the sand for a 1000 years, would people dig it up and believe that Orks and Elves onced existed. Also why does this mythical being get the credit for freak events like Earthquakes? these can be explained by the shifting of tetonic plates much like every other natural disaster.
Whether there's a Heaven or Hell, I believe people just can't take onboard that when they die they will just no longer exist and it scares them too much to face this fact. The whole going to heaven idea is in my opinion just happy notion to make people work out their whole lives and abide by the contraints of society with a belief they will have this special retirement plan waiting for them when they have finally worked themselves to death.

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #12 on: May 27, 2008, 02:25:55 PM »

I am an agnostic, i think there is probably some kind of being that created everything, but i'm not gonna pretend i know his/her name, or how they created the universe.

For me, it kind of pisses me off when i'll ask a co-worker of mine (he's jehova witness) and i said to him, "so, based on the teachings of the bible, only christians will go to heaven, that true?" He replied, "sure, that's what it says." So then i said "well what about people who are pretty much saintly, but aren't christian. You know, like Ghandi, or Mother Teressa, just because they don't practice the same branch of Christianity as you do, you can't really deny that they were good people who tried to help out everyone they could. But....they're still going to hell?" He said, "yup."

I pretty much see it like this...if you try to be a good person, help out people, and have a good fulfilling life, then you shouldn't worry about eternal damnation in a lake of hellfire. If there is a God, i doubt he would cast a Buddhist monk into a lake of fire for all eternity just because he wasn't a christian. And if God doesn't exist, then you've got nothing to worry about.

Also, the whole "convert and you're fixed" thing kinda bugs me too. You could be a former serial killer/child rapist, convert to christianity, ask for forgiveness, say you're sorry, and shah-bam! you're now as clean as the guy next to you, all because you said "sorry." That doesn't fly with me.
What is the Alchole level pike at for you Duney.

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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #13 on: May 27, 2008, 03:26:58 PM »

Personally, religion gives people something to believe in.  It helps them think that they are doing good for a reason as opposed to just doing good.  They need to feel that they have a purpose.  God, his rules, and all the sins are just an outline for what people believe will help them get through this life, and perhaps to a great after life.  There is no proof that there is an after life.  The only proof is that we are here now, so treat each other as you want to be treated.  Oh and there is one more proof, that you are going to die.  Live your life to the fullest and enjoy it, but be kind to others.   


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Re: Religious Debate
« Reply #14 on: May 27, 2008, 03:33:13 PM »

@death The 2012 idea came from the Mayan calendar I thought.

it did, it was also in bible, the last prophecy i think

Scientists knew about mayan calender and how they predicted events and so they did research. I read a good book called 2012 and scientist came up wit a list of what is the most likely chance of why the world will end in 2012, but the book also says maybe the world WONT end in 2012, its just a theory such as the big bang

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