Forum > BF 2

Need help fixing my BF2

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Hey yall i downloaded the patch for Bf2 1.41 so i could play on the ranked servers and keep my stats but i get kicked every game by punkbuster for "No packet flow". Does anyone know how i can fix this??

Go to this site to see all the files needed for BF2 PB and down load from this page the PBSetup program, your problems will be gone (that is if you "read" everything that you should to understand/use the program).

One last check as well, make sure the programs of PunkBuster as in, "PnkBstrA.exe" and maybe "PnkBstrB.exe" have access to the internet (check your firewall).

alright thanks man ill try that

Pink, no packetflow means your punkbuster is too new. The servers done have the new punkbuster update so you need to re install BF2.

it still dont work and this is what it says now


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