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Author Topic: Story time.  (Read 9236 times)


  • *MAFIA* Admin
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Story time.
« on: March 04, 2009, 03:42:36 AM »

Over the past week or so i have been making stories randomly on all our members, granted i am not done yet i thought i would share what i have thus far then just edit when i finish the last few members so you can get some lolz. Just a quick FYI this post is strictly for fun. Dont take offense from most of it. Btw yes i know my spelling is wrong on alot of it and some words misplaced just keep in mind i have been doing bits and pieces of it at around 4 or 5 in the mornin.

The Titties theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

There is little known about the one they call titties, facts that are known....

1.) Is an avid surfer of porn, always having over 20 gigs on hand at any given time.
2.) Loves meth, has been know to smoke roughly 15 rocks in a day
3.) Has broken more keyboards than jews killed at the hands of hitler,the result....alwa ys having caps on.
4.) Was diagnosed as mentally retarded at the age of 19 and hasn't held a steady job since the age of 23 as a pornographic films director....no w 43 he lives a a sad shell of a life full of chronic masturbation.
5.) Loves niggers so much that he has to shout it out at least 16.34 times a day (Estimate*).

Be on the watchout for titties for when seen there is a warrant in place...might be able to make a little dough son.

The Bacon theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

Yet another where not much is known about the person at hand.....facts (what little there may be).

1.) Appears he is in T.F.O.N.P.F.T. P.A (the future of nufag pilots for the prophet allah) where he trains on how to fly into buildings with record accuracy.
2.) Favorite animal is the pig
3.) Was verbally abused as a child and has reppressed all homosexual tendencies in fear that he would be a beaten by his older brother (titties)
4.) killed all neighborhood dogs and cats in october of 2005, later he put them into brown paper bags and returned them to the owners.

Another member of the MOTWP (MAGGOT ON THE WATCH PROGRAM) When seen report immediately to Pvt. Hellraiser for your spanking.

The Balthazar theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT (get some popcorn and strap yourselves in  )

The first of the members thus far that can have a profile made. At the age of 3 he was put up for adoption by his mother (elvira) and father (john wayne gacy) in nufag springs, holland. he never was like the others
growing up.....his adopted mother (Aileen Wuornos) and father (powder) feared that he was a narcissist and put him into millitary school for their own safety. He had feelings.....s trange feelings that he couldn't
keep hiding, when he got out of school he was aressted for his first time pulling tricks in his hometown of nufag springs.....th e charges were later dropped but what a mistake it would prove to be. 6 months later
he was arrested again for indecent exposure while performing necrophilic acts on a rotting cat corpse (one of Bacons Victims). He later enrolled in school where he dormed up with matt damon and mike jones.
His college years were years for experimenting. ..over the next four years he was free to fill all of his homosexual tendencies. He went back to nufag springs with his degree in hand and decided to tell his father
that he was in fact,a homosexual. His father did not take it so well, he couldn't live with the fact that his son was a homosexual and killed himself with a rusty spoon in the family home. Due to the pigmentation
of his skin however,Powders body was never found....it is rumored that his adopted son, full of guilt vowed to live on his father's legacy of necrophilia by injecting himself with the blood of his father....sinc e
2002 Balthazar has yet to be seen again due to how white he is. It has never been confirmed that he still is alive......fac ts.

1.) Complete homosexual
2.) was at one point a grand dragon in the KKK
3.) Is a necrophiliac
4.) Can not be seen due to how white he is
5.) Goes by the nickname of "The baking soda bandit"
6.) Visits coma patients at his current place of work (hospital) for their oral medication.
7.) Will later kill at least 45 people in a shopping mall after being told that nobody loves him later killing himself.

You should avoid all physical contact with this member and make sure never to be left in the same room as him alone.

The Beatlejuice theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

Another member with not many facts involved but we can see what we can dig up on him

At a very early age the Beatle had many problems. He grew up in a home with 7 brothers and sisters being raised by only his mother. Without a father figure around he was a little hellion. He joined the junior KKK and
was often spotted at video stores destroying the VHS's that were there.....he was the worst of the worst. His mother kicked him out at 13 and he was homeless.....b ut not for long. He soon took refuge in a man known as "Mr. Big".
He was a great role model for the beat's. He showed him how to steal,cheat and make that money (BOI). His life was a paradise...jus t himself, Mr. Big,and the cardboard box they called home. His mother soon realised the mistake
she had made and begged for him to return home but by this point he was too alienated to comply, He figured Mr. Big would take care of him.....he was wrong. Soon Mr. Big was arrested for drug possesion..... his third strike.
He somehow turned it around and said Beatle was the menace and got him thrown in jail for criminal mischief and was given a term of 18 months but beatle was a badass with gravel in his gut and steroids in his ass he felt all powerfull....
he was a god, or so he thought. it wasn't long before he tried to claim his dominance and what better way than to stab a fellow inmate. He went up to the biggest baddest nigger in there and attempted to stab him with a sharpened
toothebrush but failed horribly...the nigger grabbed the brush, did some jackie chan shit and started violating beatle right there on the prison yard. It was horrible, never had he felt so weak. for the last 12 months of his sentence
he was a complete loner. He got out and vowed to turn his life around....he started living his life for jesus and became completely clean. He became a teacher, a role model himself but no matter how hard he tries he always has a
special place in his heart for pulling a trick every now and then.


1.) loves jesus
2.) loves the Beatles
3.) loves Juice

Only facts known at this time

The Bonehead theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

Another member that would raep (rape) most without a second thought.....is one vile sum' bitch.

Not much is known about the one they call Bonehead other than he loves the cock and has a thing for a member known as "hellraiser". He appearently dislikes cats, is illiterate, is a chronic Alcoholic,and is a Redneck that has been known
to tell a fib or two.


1.) loves cock
2.) dislikes cats
3.) Chronic Alcoholic
4.) can lie

Be careful around this one.....there is a rumor that he has guns and a filthy whore-ish mouth.

The Bradley theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

Im not gonna lie there is pretty much nothing known about him so im going straight to the facts known


1.) founder
2.) been in jail
3.) his name is bradley

Yeah um wtf?

The Carnage theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

hahahahhahhaa the first dutch person to get mah boomstick *grunts*

He was the worlds top jumpstyle-ist for 4 years running from 2002-2006 when he saw the light and went into competitive pie baking, he was godly. Not only was he the best apple pie baker in teh modern worlds but he was one of the few dutch
to not space his exclamation points, periods, and question marks like the other dutch nufags. He discovered the world of metal and has a voice that would make James Earl Jones piss himself. All in all he was one pro piece of shit that will
be forever in my heart! I LOVE YOU CARNAGE!!! MARRY ME??


1.) swears that he is dutch (not yet confirmed)
2.) listens to good music
3.) pro pie baker


The Darkcritter theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

Uhhhh see description for Bradley


1.) dated the cum-dumpster
2.) boneheads ass feind
3.) another fucking redneck

Fuck him.....god damn why did i start to make this thread its not even 7 FUCK SHIT WHORE.

The Dune Surfer theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT


At a very young age in the UK dune started started spit shining shoes on the corners wearing only a bowlers cap and a monocle....he was very popular. He was the richest shoe shine boy in the entire UK. He would take any form of payment although
his irish blood gave him a thirst for alcohol. One day a customer gave him a liter of vodka and it only went down hill from there. He was hooked....an instant alcoholic he stopped shining shoes and went with a job that could support his hobby,
he was a bartender. He constantly slipped roofies to the black customers at his bar and would rape them later to continue his nigger fetish...he was later caught and now is an unemployed sack of shit like all of the brits....HAHHA HAHAHAHHAHAHA


1.) alcoholic
2.) nigger lover
3.) see's panthers
4.) secretly is a child molester

Fuck you dune this took me 10 minutes

The MasseKiller (ExcoWear) theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

so you are the second dutch to get profiled eh??? GLWTFBBQPWNTBT CH!

He was just like any other dutch boy at the time, infatuated with the sound of music. It was his dream to perform "16 going on 17" in front of millions....he had the fire, the passion and the dream to be the best Rolf ever! He went on the dutch version
of American idol (NEDERLANDER IDOLISTER) to prove show how amazing he was. He went up and got to the second verse before being pelted with hundred of pissed off dutchmens clogs. It was the most horrifiying experience a dutch boy could ever have. He became
a shut in. He refused to talk to his friends or family(even refusing our interview attempt by yelling some non-sense then shutting the door in our face), instead he came to a website full of americans and started typing his illegible non-sense to all of us.
We finally told him how much he was hated and he made a bunch of emo threads to try and get sympathy....it didn't work, he later came back with apple pie and we were like, hey wanna join? and that is how it went down.


1.) is dutch
3.) loves sound of music

I know i put a 3 instead of a 2 but it doesn't matter......th e dutch can't count HAHAHAHHHAHA

The HeadHunter theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

You know what fuck him, fuck him the fucking fuck.


1.) haz guns (lolyarite)
2.) is only 12

End facts

The Hellraiser theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT


Hellraiser started off his life like any other homo from jersey.....sho otin' some B'Ball outside of his school with his homies whilst listening to salt n' peppa and kriss kross. Times were good for Hell....he got hooked on coke like the good litte hooker he is
and started selling oranges on the corner to support his habbit. He went by the alias of George Well Hung for 6 years til he hit the fragile prepubescent years. It was there that he learned to dance professionally . He loved it from the first lesson. he danced for
another few years after he hit 18 to get enough money to continue buying oranges to sell to continue buying coke, the circle worked great. One day would change everything for hell, he saw the most handsome mane he had ever seen walk into the doors of SmallCox Inc. Dance club......
His name was Achmed illadin from Iraq. He had to get his number and his number he got! They had a very physical relationship for nearly a year when one day Achmed got up and left back to Iraq without telling hell. Devastated he went in search for his lover back to the
Allah land of Iraq. He got there on the worst day ever....9/11. He was taken hostage by a bunch of pissed off terrorist with swords and had a video made with him being held hostage by a bunch of sand niggers with ski mask's. It was aired everywhere, when achmed saw it he was in shock.
He too went in search of his lost lover, he went with a mission....a mission to get his lover back. Through thousands of sunni's he stormed, like the fist of allah he came crashing into the world of hellraiser once again, he killed all of them except for one and started to untie hell when the man
shot Achmed and hell freaked. He started crying when a USMC squad stormed in and killed the last man taking hellraiser back with them turning him into a soldier. From that day forth he was a man on a mission.....a mission to kill as many sand niggers as possible.


1.) loves cock
2.) loves oranges
3.) loves 80's rap
4.) has a penis the shape of most tuna cans

Fuck you hell....its 7:25 FUCK YOU!

The KrautKiller theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

He is an emotional whore with the IQ rivaling a colony of ants.


1.) has no penis (as shown in pictures of his pants)
2.) loves hawthorne heights

End facts.

The Lightning theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

After being bullied and beaten on by dem naggers in highschool he decided to get back at them the only way possible! becoming a police man and breaking some nigger skulls! sieg heil!


1.) is a cop
2.) likes doghnuts

I love you lightnin'

The Manowar theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

So many VERY hateful things i could say about him on this one.....but i think ill take the semi-high road.

He grew up like every other person in the 60's, taught that cigars are better than oranges, acid better than apples and that hair metal would one day rule teh world!!!1@11one!
He was normal for years....went to a normal school, normal parents, but it all changed soon. The year was 1983, the year that he first heard manowar. He felt as though the music spoke to him!
He felt like they were a crowd, he felt as if it was the most awesome shit ever, boy was he in for a suprise. the 80's ended and the 90's came with a whole new style of music, manowar
was no more,bands like nirvana came about at he was lost.....he stuck out like a sore thumb with his assless leather chaps and studded belt. The others that went along with the music of the day
called him names, hurtful evil names that i shall not dare repeat. But he stuck with his band and one day soon he is convinced they will lead their followers to everlasting life!


1.) he is old
2.) he likes hair metal where 90% of the singers have come out of the closet or died of aids.
3.) likes the chargers (pfft)

Boy im glad i don't have a name after a band.....o wait, shi.......


"At some point in their lives, 1 in 6 children will be abducted by the dutch." ~The fact core, Portal 2.

*MAFIA* Ricardo

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Re: Story time.
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2009, 03:44:05 AM »

and me ??? even if i m not mafia !!!!  :-\


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Re: Story time.
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2009, 03:47:33 AM »

The Masebot1 theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

This one was hard to capture and interview seeing how he kept chewing on our equipment and insisting he was a wolf.....but once we got him to talk he was an open book.

Masebot1 started life as any child with down syndrome did, believing they were some inanimate object/being....in masebot1's case, he believed he was a wolf. At first i
hesitant to believe such a farfetched story....that was until he started to hump my leg, mark his territory and take a shit on my desk. He appearently was sold by mexicans
at the tender age of 17 where he was bought by another mexican known as MisfiT. Misfit was a great father figure to masebot, he showed him how to draw pictures of his wolf family that
no-one cared about and that were probably shot by indians to later be skinned alive. He so seriously believed he was a wolf that psychotherapy was state ordered and an iq test was ran....
it appears that his IQ was less than that of KrautKiller. Masebot went into a slow form of hibernation to serve justice to his endangered species, now he spends his free time failing math
and drawing pictures in his own fecal matter.


1.) Thinks he is a wolf
2.) Horrible at math
3.) Horrible at art
4.) Is maggots secret lover

wait fuck!

The Mean Green theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

Gotta be careful what i say on this one......hmmmm m


1.) [insert old joke here]


The Meeester theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

See cock monger.

Life isn't easy when you are black, and meeester's life was no exception. He grew up on the mean streets of Salmon, Idaho as a half-breed. His mother was a 24 year old nurse at the old folks home,
his father, a 37 year old air conditioner repair man that was pissed off seeing he never attended college......t he problem, his mother was white and father was black. This wouldn't serve as a problem
to alot of other places in the country, but salmon was the home of 62% of the countries mormons at the time and alot of racial prejudice was floating around at the half breeds. He tried to lead a quiet
life but he was always called names growing up, he would always tell himself "Sticks and stones", that is until they actually got stones...... they pelted him that horrific afternoon and left him for
dead. he was hurt. He was violated. However, he had a new reason to go back to school the next day though....Veng ance. That night he prepared for war, they could just do that to him and laugh it off?
He would show them! he would show them all! That night he went to his fathers closet and jacked his glock. He awoke the next morning in a daze...half of his body wasn't there, it just wasn't right....he
was a machine, he stopped at the local park for a quick dick suck and carried on his way. He got to Jesus saves catholic school at 7:30 waiting, he had 30 minutes....30 minutes for them to feed the flame.
They all walked by, they all said hurtful things, but he didn't care. Soon enough it would be done with. HE pondered on when to strike. He wondered if he could go through with it. he wondered what was for lunch.
And most importantly he wondered if obama won the election the night before (teh blax had to know if obamas won tha electionz). The clock struck 10:30, time for next period, He thought "should i do it now?" but
he couldn't, next period was P.E. his favorite part of the day was shower time, he told himself, after the showers ill kill BOOOIISSS!!1@!. They ran then hit the showers....*BUZZER* period waS over, time to kill bitches.
He went to the main terror johnbot2.0 and said "hey gold fish!" by the time he looked up he had been shot twice in the foot, the school went into lockdown...... but not quick enough, he had the 4 perpatraitor's in his sight.
popped all of them, masturbated on their bodies, then took the science teachers segway, he wasn't alone though, the school security was hot on is tail in their own segways....it was the pursuit of a lifetime. Wheels screeching,
batteries sounding, and fat men on two wheeled machines that go as fast as a retarded aardvark, no seriously, a fucking aardvark, one without its two back legs, so its like a skink,a skink the size of an aardvark this thing is funny
looking but i digress. anyway they were off! Meeester had 25% battery left and didn't know it. He went on for another quater mile only to run out of power. His chubby ankles started moving as fast as they possibly could.
He ran into a residential street and down an alley only to reach a dead end. There he stood, a half man half monkey with a bullet left in the chamber..... he pulled it out put it under his chin and squeezed the trigger.....
Only to find it ripped off his leather face to reveal his robotic skeleton, so he was like "hey im a fucking robot, like terminator" so he was a god, pistol grip pumped the shit out of the rent-a-cops then went on to enslave the human
race seeing as meeester is a badass.


1.) loves cock
2.) is a robot
3.) no one likes him hahahahahha

not much is known about teh  meeeesttterrrr .

The MeZmoriZe theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

Another emo church fag.


1.) emo
2.) lives for jesus


The Nitro theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

See 'Clan hopper'

Nitro wasn't always a man, growing up in the mean streets of Sante Fe, New Mexico was hard on a little girl.....but she always walked as tall and proud as possible.
Nitro, from a early age had a very noticeable limp and only four fingers on her left hand, this however wouldn't stop her from being the best glory hole owner in the
all of the midwest! At the age of 16 she dropped out of school and went on a life full of meth, penis, and sometimes even niggers.By the age of 18 she was a pro at all three.
She went to a nearby park and started whoring herself through a hole in the wall of the park restroom. Life was prosperous for young nitro. She maked enough money to bribe the
po-po to not arrest her and still had enough to rent her 300 square foot studio apartment. On January the 18th of 2005 it would all change. She started her day as usually, at the hole,
when her first customer arrived......i nstead of a penis he drew a gun. Nitro took a bullet to her pretty little mouth that had made her a hometown hero. She was in a coma for more than a
month before she awoke horrified by what she saw. Her face, so badly disfigured, was now incapable of wrking the hole she called home for so long, her teeth, jagged like a barracuda would not
suffice anymore. She went into a twisted deppression.He r only thing keeping her safe was the 25 grand she had stored away in a savings account. Out of hate of her new found looks she went in
for a sex change. She came out a he......his name would now be Jorge, jorge now mad at the world decided to buy guns, talk very whore-ishly and try to become a police man, only to get shot by his
meth dealer a week later.....HAHA HAHA NITRO GOT PWNED! FUCK YOU NITRO!


1.) Is mexican,
2.) haz gunz
3.) can deepthroat a horse if needed.



A great canadian once said "A Canadian is someone who knows how to make love in a canoe" and this quote was never more true to anyone but outlaw. He grew up the best life any canadian boy dream of. His father was on the syrup bottle,
his mother a pro mosse wrangler, and both his mother and father were men. He had a great life. When he was 8 his dad's took him moose hunting for the first time in the canadian forest. It was an amazing time for outlaw......he wanted
to be just like his parents. At the tender canadian age of 13 (after the canadian, united states exchange ratio it turns out to be rougly 20 american) he finally had a chance to go camping with his mate, we will just call him miah.
anyway the moose hunt went down hill fast. OUTLAW soon learned he was gay and needed a partner to become gay with. He confided in miah who was also gay, but outlaw didn't know it at the time.....but soon found out how gay he really was.
Over the next 4 days they had hot man on man sex nearly every day, some real brokeback mountain shit. It was amazing for outlaw. When he got back from the camping trip miah and outlaw took a little trip to California and got married as
fast as possible then went to form a new life in wisconsin as "the hairstyling lovers" The business is still looking to take off.....like their love!


1.) Canadian
2.) gay
3.) does steriods
4.) goes by the name of "sally" on weekends.

This is one canadian you should keep your eye out for.


umm lets go straight to facts on this one.

1.) owns a pizza place
2.) last spotted yelling "OWNED MY BITCHES!" at a bunch of niggers in oakland.
3.) often jerks it to "Pizza informer monthly"

If found, please return to shady acres.

The Ransom theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

Ransom is the only known human being that can beat chuck norris in an arm wrestling competition... ..enough said.


1.) he's canadian
2.) goes by sarah
3.) complete badass.

end facts.

The Rat theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

hmmmm dont want to make him angry and leave again so ummmmm hi rat


1.) hi

no seriously, stay with us.

The SouthernBell theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT

Not much is known about the bell from the south.


1.) known as the "Cum dumpster"
2.) was with keith, or bone, fuck i dont remember, some hick.

I know she wont read this so fuck you carla!

The swampfox theory by *MAFIA* MAGGOT   

winrar in all aspects.

The year is 1942, a fresh out of elementary school swampfox is going off to school as he always does back home in germany when a bunch of german peeps
come and pick him up due to his jewish decent. They take him back to his home and arrest his entire family. It was a horrible time for young swampfox.
He was stuck in this concentration camp with his only possesion he managed to sneak in rectally with him....his dreidel. Oh how he loved his dreidel.
He would spin it all day. He played with that dreidel for nearly three years until he created a song and attempted to sing it one day, but he was heard!
The guards came and beat poor swampfox and put him on strict supervison. april 22nd 1945, swampfox is awoken to be dragged down the street and put into
a wierd chamber with his family and friends....lit tle did he know that this chamber was actually a gas chamber that would soon lead to his inevitable death,
or so they thought. They pumped the gas and one by one his friends started to die off. Soon his family did, but before his mom did, she gave him a toaster, she said
"son, with this toaster you shall save your life!" young swamp asked "how" but it was too late. She lay there dead. Poor swamp was all alone, he thought how can i live
through this? then the idea hit him. He started to beat himself in the head with the toaster, soon he lay knocked out. His slowed breathing and heart rate some how
made it so the gas that was being pumped through this tiny chamber had no effect on him. The guards, amazed, dragged him out and brought him straight to hitler, hitler
was left speechless and had no idea what to do with the boy. He pondered for days what to do with him before he finally went crazy and killed himself. Soon the war was over and
swampfox was praised for killing the most evil man in history.


1.) Only known human to survive the gas chamber, twice.
2.) pwns bitches.

<3 you swamp.


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Re: Story time.
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2009, 03:48:58 AM »

and me ??? even if i m not mafia !!!!  :-\

I dont think youll like to see what i have got to say in a story ricdo....

To be continued....


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Re: Story time.
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2009, 04:40:41 AM »

Thanks for not including me...

Mean Green

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Re: Story time.
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2009, 06:51:28 AM »

thanks for being semi kind to me Maggie. But 45 is the new 29...(insert cougar joke). 

Best line of the entire creative writing assignment:  Balth: KNOWN AS THE BAKING SODA BANDIT



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Re: Story time.
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2009, 07:07:26 AM »

Mines so boring, there's no WoW in it.

*MAFIA* Hellraiser

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Re: Story time.
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2009, 07:10:12 AM »


*MAFIA* Manowar

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Re: Story time.
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2009, 08:12:10 AM »


From a man who built himself on the classic Fuck You responces this is pure genius.
I bow in reverence at your creativity.  (no "while your down there" jokes allowed)

Ultimate embarrassment, running into a wall with a boner and breaking your nose first.

*MAFIA* Dune Surfer

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Re: Story time.
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2009, 08:50:18 AM »

The Maggot theory by *MAFIA* Dune Surfer

At the beginning of time planets began to form and Maggots head was in its infancy. It eventually settled as a moon on the planet we now know as earth. Attracted by the gravitational pull of Earth his head remained in orbit for millions of years then amazingly sprouted a torso, legs and arms and got a job playing Fester on a television show called the Addams Family. However he was forced to quit the show because of a full-time infactuation with the singer Mike Jones which had taken over his life and led him to be a serial stalker. He eventually met Mike at a concert for people with Moon sized heads and Downes Syndrome and was destroyed when his hero only walked right past him. The emotional breakdown led him into a state of EMOism and he gets by now with his adopted parents asking random questions like "Do Fish get thirsty".


1.) Is an Emo
2.) Has a moonsized head
3.) Has Downes Syndrome
4.) Loves Mike Jones and Slipknot


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Re: Story time.
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2009, 09:11:23 AM »

The Maggot theory by *MAFIA* Dune Surfer

At the beginning of time planets began to form and Maggots head was in its infancy. It eventually settled as a moon on the planet we now know as earth. Attracted by the gravitational pull of Earth his head remained in orbit for millions of years then amazingly sprouted a torso, legs and arms and got a job playing Fester on a television show called the Addams Family. However he was forced to quit the show because of a full-time infactuation with the singer Mike Jones which had taken over his life and led him to be a serial stalker. He eventually met Mike at a concert for people with Moon sized heads and Downes Syndrome and was destroyed when his hero only walked right past him. The emotional breakdown led him into a state of EMOism and he gets by now with his adopted parents asking random questions like "Do Fish get thirsty".


1.) Is an Emo
2.) Has a moonsized head
3.) Has Downes Syndrome
4.) Loves Mike Jones and Slipknot

  This thread is fucking great!!!!  Great one Dune, I could have not done it better myself!!!!


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Re: Story time.
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2009, 03:11:14 PM »


*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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Re: Story time.
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2009, 03:32:57 PM »

this is too awesome, can't wait for the complete list!
What is the Alchole level pike at for you Duney.


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Re: Story time.
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2009, 04:38:42 PM »

Wow this is a great thread lol. Nice recap on Maggot Dune. Oh and FUCK YOU MAGGOT YOU PIECE OF SHIT!!1111!!!1. <3


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Re: Story time.
« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2009, 05:38:28 PM »

That was probably the fucking funniest shit i've ever seen

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