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Author Topic: Jesus is a fictional character  (Read 9336 times)

*MAFIA* Dune Surfer

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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2009, 04:03:42 AM »

Dune Surfer, when you say many people since then have died, you're missing the central point in christian theology that Jesus lived without sin, that's why his death carried power.
You can hardly accuse all the people starving to death in Africa of being guilty of living with sin. Their deaths don't carry any power, no-one preys to them but their lives and deaths were alot worse than Jesus's. Why don't you worship them as martyrs? 


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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2009, 04:50:38 AM »

You can hardly accuse all the people starving to death in Africa of being guilty of living with sin. Their deaths don't carry any power, no-one preys to them but their lives and deaths were alot worse than Jesus's. Why don't you worship them as martyrs? 
God put us in charge of taking care of each other, we are our Brothers' keepers.  God doesn't perform miracles to make lives better, we do.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2009, 04:52:23 AM by *MAFIA* MeZmoriZe »


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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2009, 08:08:26 AM »


*MAFIA* Dune Surfer

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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2009, 08:41:35 AM »

Dune....I cannot not nor will not be able to convince you that Jesus and God are real.  Only God can reveal himself to you.  There are many reasons to not logically believe in something you cannot see.  That is what faith is all about..believi ng in something you cannot see.  I do believe and base my whole life on it.  But until you are reconciled... you will struggle with disbelief.  Why is it that you question?  Why Jesus...why not Buddha or Mohammed or Dali Lama or Joseph Smith...all of whom claim some sort of prophet status.  In order to know for yourself, I suggest you pickup a Bible and begin reading.  Read a New Living Translation so you can understand the meaning of words originally written in Greek and Hebrew. The book isnt written like a novel.  Start with Romans in the New Testament.  It was written by Paul, a Jew who hated Christians until he was reconciled.  He was a lawyer so the book is written like a legal brief answering questions from Jews and non-Jews of that time.  This is one of my favorites:  "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.  For in it the righteousness is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, "But the righteous man shall live by faith." For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousnes s of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousnes s because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them."
The idea of the thread was to find out if anyone had any real evidence of his existence. We were playing the name game on vent and someone said Jesus. I said thats not allowed because thats a fictional character not a real person and Beatle was like WTF? of course he was real person there's evidence and Manowar agreed with him. If the best people can come up with is you've got to have blind faith then sorry but Jesus is still disallowed in the name game.

*MAFIA* ßlåkjáx

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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2009, 09:44:31 AM »

The idea of the thread was to find out if anyone had any real evidence of his existence. We were playing the name game on vent and someone said Jesus. I said thats not allowed because thats a fictional character not a real person and Beatle was like WTF? of course he was real person there's evidence and Manowar agreed with him. If the best people can come up with is you've got to have blind faith then sorry but Jesus is still disallowed in the name game.
There is no evidence that Jesus was a profit, or had any powers and could preform miracles... However, there is more than enough evidence to show that he did exist so he's back in the name game.

*MAFIA* Hellraiser

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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2009, 09:51:29 AM »

I think god give weak minded people a reason for living and to do good.  They need to believe that all the good they do on earth has a purpose.  Religion is a bunch of shit!!!  Pray to someone or something that you have no proof exists, and on top of that go to church, and all the other time wasted on doing things you think he will approve of.  THAT IS JUST BULLSHIT AND A WASTE OF FUCKING TIME.  Life is to short to waste it on dumb shit.  If you want to beleive, more power to you, but I believe in the tangeable. 

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #21 on: August 25, 2009, 10:02:53 AM »

i'm perfectly happy not having a religion, but not being atheist at the same time.

A jehovah witness at work (who i've known since middle school) asked me "if you don't pray to god and don't ask for forgiveness, then you cannot go to heaven. Aren't you afraid of that?"

My answer was of course not...why would i be afraid of going to a place i don't believe in? Besides, i haven't murdered anyone or beaten the shit out of homeless blind orphans or anything, i don't think i need to ask for forgiveness.
What is the Alchole level pike at for you Duney.

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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2009, 10:51:12 AM »

Ok, so he was an actual PERSON!!!  Do you pray to Bonehead just because he may have done something good in his life, NO.  Everyone does something good, all Jesus is the oldest cult leader.  He is a glorified David Koresh.  Nothing more, and nothing less!  Closed!!!


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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2009, 11:35:03 AM »

Many people have said the same exact thing, and a lot of them devoted their life to Christianity before the end of their life...I'm sure there wasn't any reasoning behind it.  Just blind stupidity.


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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2009, 11:53:32 AM »

Nobody has yet answered my question that they cannot prove their beliefs (even if they are atheistic and not religious) but still require Christians to prove beyond all doubt that God is real.  Very hypocritical if you ask me.  And as for the statement that there is no evidence for Christianity, how about the bible?  How about the hundreds of thousands or millions of people who have felt God interact in their life?  Why throw out all these sources?

And if anyone has the time to read something long, here's a copy of something I posted over on the foxes forums:

To be honest I don't understand Atheism; in my opinion it is in itself a religion, a religion based on science.

It includes some things that define religion
*A creation and meaning of life
*A way of living (this way is choose your own way of living, whether moral or amoral)
*It does not include a focus of worship which some might say defines a religion, however other religions, Deism being a prime example, do not either and yet they are considered religions.

Atheism also, in my opinion, takes just as much faith as a religion like Christianity.

Most Atheists would believe in the Big Bang Theory, which is that everything started from a single point of mass/energy that then expanded into what is now the universe.  However, I would ask where you think that point came from, to which there are basically two answers.
1. It has always been there.
This to me is confusing, as I do not understand why thinking that a point of mass/energy has always existed is reasonable while saying it is impossible that a God has always existed.  While more mundane and reasonable on the surface, both faith in religion and faith in Atheism believe that something has always been there that the individual hasn't seen and can't prove or explain.  To me, they both are having an equal amount of faith, yet Atheists often scorn those who follow other religions for their faith (in general, not anyone here in particular).

2. It was not always there but appeared at a specific time.
This is easily dismissed as it seems to violate the very laws of science that I feel Atheists believe in.  The Law of Conservation of Mass-Energy states that mass-energy cannot be created or destroyed in a physical or chemical reaction.  Even in a nuclear reaction, Mass-energy can only be converted into its other form (as stated in Einsteins famous equation) and cannot be created from nothing or destroyed from nothing.
An argument to this might be that there are other scientific reactions that we as of yet do not know about, but again, you are having faith in something that you have no proof exists or will exist and that you cannot see.  This is sounding a lot like religion to me.

Most Atheists would also probably agree with the Theory of Evolution and natural selection.  Earth has a rich diversity of life of many forms and types, yet several planets we have sent probes to and none of the many planets we have observed from Earth have shown any evidence of life.

One could argue that Earth has a more favorable climate than any other planets we have observed, but if so, why didn't the theoretical life that could have existed on all these planets adapt to the climates of these planets?

Another common argument is that there are an infinite number of planets, so is it likely that we will find life on ones near to us?  This however, is probably false.  Relativistic physics suggests that the universe is actually curved much like the surface of a sphere so that there is a finite number of planets (the curve being caused by the presence of four dimensional objects in the three dimensional plane of space-time).  Additionally, most of space is just that: empty space with nothing in it, including planets.  The number of planets we cannot see looks much smaller when seen from this perspective.

There is also the issue of Irreducible Complexity, which essentially is that for life to have developed via natural selection, it would first need to make the small components of an animal for instance and built up.  So it would have started with the cells.  However, cells themselves are made up of organelles, which all have specific functions and work together to let the cell function, yet would have no purpose on their own, and hence shouldn't exist based on natural selection.  This flaw is present from the most basic forms of life to the most complex of animals.

*Note* I am not dismissing the theory of evolution, I am merely commenting that it seems unlikely, at least without divine influence.

Now, to answer hell's points in the OP of this discussion (or point really because one was inductive based on his own experiences and difficult to contradict).

Quote from Hellraiser:
"I don't believe in this "God" you speak of.  I have seen to much death and destruction.  How can a thing/"creator" do this to the things he created and loves."

People have essentially said the answer in the post (though usually disparagingly).  God is infinitely just and gives every person the opportunity to make their own choices in life, even if the choices are destructive for themselves or the people around them.  God loved the things he created so much that he allows them to make their own choices, even if it leads to "death and destruction."


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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2009, 12:50:57 PM »

It sounds stupid, but there's an entire universe full of planets that could host smarter beings.

Sooner or later we're going to find another planet that supports life, just based on numbers and logic.

*MAFIA* Scooby

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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #26 on: August 25, 2009, 01:06:33 PM »


*MAFIA* BassSlappa

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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #27 on: August 25, 2009, 04:08:39 PM »

You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can kill
I will choose a path thats clear
I will choose free will


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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #28 on: August 25, 2009, 04:59:52 PM »

1) Waffle, I don't even have the patience to read all that shit you typed.
2) If all those things in the Bible, stated as sins, are truly sins, then everyone is going to Hell.
3) There is no proof they exist, only proof that they don't, so stfu.

And is for the Earth and how it became, no one cares because this topic is about Jesus. If you want to make a topic on the Big Bounce or Bang whatever you want to call it, go for it.

I win.


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Re: Jesus is a fictional character
« Reply #29 on: August 25, 2009, 05:21:02 PM »

Rofl you being lazy does not make you win a debate, sorry.  Anyway, just read the first part and answer that.

"If all those things in the Bible, stated as sins, are truly sins, then everyone is going to Hell."

That just shows ignorance in Christian doctrine, the central point is that yes everyone sins but Jesus' death is a sacrifice that, if we believe in him and ask for forgiveness, will give us forgiveness. 

"There is no proof they exist, only proof that they don't, so stfu."

You have shown ZERO proof that they don't.  You may have claimed that there is no evidence for it, but this is probably because you aren't actually reading the posts.

Instead of responding to my points, you just gave the same generic answers that people give, so sorry but you do not win ;)


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