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Author Topic: Hurricane Katrina  (Read 11758 times)


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #15 on: September 03, 2005, 02:32:31 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Billy Rubin
I disagree. Alot of those people who stayed, had to stay because they couldn't afford to leave, or else they had no where else to go! Some of it could be related to ignorance, I mean they said they had been told to evacuate before, and the storm turned out to be no big deal. However, whether they chose to stay or they had to stay, they still deserve help!
And yes, it is unfortunate that there are people who take advantage of these situations and cause more grief to others who are already in pain, but I wanna know, when the whole city gets evacuated, what are they gonna do with the stereo system they just stole from the electronics store? They can't take it with them, I don't see how it benefits them at all.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say that, all that looted stuff isn't going anywhere on those buses.  Some of the people who couldn't leave, went to the Superdome (sp?), and that was a good choice.  Wether traffic was too congested, they couldn't afford to leave, or they flat out didn't want to, that was a smart choice.  Now all the people who stayed in their homes are just flat out ignorent and I really have no sympathy for them.  They were warned.  Even if they had "no where else to go", you can still leave, stay in your car, relatives house, or seek help from some of the refugee camps already in place/homeless centers.  Sure it's not a nice fancy house, but they still could have left and gone somewhere.
i'm joining doa;)

*MAFIA* KrautKiller

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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #16 on: September 03, 2005, 03:36:09 PM »

Weve ran outa gas, here in greensboro :(

*MAFIA* Spitz

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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #17 on: September 03, 2005, 09:37:16 PM »

anyone know of illwillpress.c om u should go there and listen to the story on how foamy tells it its a good overview of the situation.
Boo Yah

Killed U Wit A

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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #18 on: September 03, 2005, 09:55:51 PM »

ok my time to talk. not all black people are as bad as you think. my dad found a pic of a group of black guys helping a 93 year old lady in a wheel chair. they were trying to flag down a truck to get he to safty. i'll see if i cant get it.

now for the bad side.yes most of the black people are looting. but theres one little problam. there all stuck in new orleans with there stuff because the only highway out is guarded with police day and night. so all the people with new cars, tvs, guns are all stuck in n.o. until the water recedes. and with all of the wrecage and thhe og these guns being stolen, the cops are gunna have to do a house by house search.

now for a story. this was on the news so some of you might already know this. 5 cops with shotguns were around a burning building when 4 black guys drove up in a green cadillac. the cops walked towards the car with shotguns raised. the caddy started driving in reverse and shots were exchanged. then about 8 brand new dodge ram 4 door pick-ups started chaseing the cadillac . out of each window of the pick-ups was an m-16 and mounted on the back were m2s, m249s, and m240 machine guns. the gunners were wareing civilin cloths with bullet proof vests.


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #19 on: September 04, 2005, 01:36:57 PM »

It is crazy and all I can say is OMG.....Like billy said I hope u all are ok.


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #20 on: September 05, 2005, 10:22:21 AM »

Oh man, I cant believe that Kane West said that Bush doesn't care about black people. It's the black people shooting at the white medics trying to get the other black people out. That guy was so lame. I wish Mike Myers would have turned into Dr Evil and shot him with a "laser".


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #21 on: September 05, 2005, 11:17:59 AM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper
Oh man, I cant believe that Kane West said that Bush doesn't care about black people. It's the black people shooting at the white medics trying to get the other black people out. That guy was so lame. I wish Mike Myers would have turned into Dr Evil and shot him with a "laser".

yeah no shit, did you see the look on mike meyers face, he was like WTF are you doing!?  I want to start a kanyewestisani gger.com website.  He constantly says that he's not racist and hates racism, yet he says the white man is the devil in his songs, constantly makes racial remarks against "white dominant america" and is clearly racist towards us.  Thats fucking rediculous.  See like I said... there are black people
(just the same as white people), then there are niggers.  And, like a bunch of you know, one of my best friends is black, I'm not exactly racist, just prejudist towards ignorence, and 99% of the black community is completely ignorent.

I saw a ton of interviews of black people on the streets explaining how they couldn't get out of the city... their reasons were because it costed $2,000 for all the planeflights out, and that that wasn't possible... and it was completely unfair.  Apparently, just because they dropped out of highschool, don't have jobs and live on welfare or relatives help, they should get planeflights out too, just like all the hard working white people who contribute to the community...  Now you have to FUCKING WORK, to make money, and have that luxury.  Most of them didn't even realize, that you didn't have to take a plane!  It's $7.50 a person to get out of state on a public bus!  You can hitch hike your way out!  Drive and sleep in your car if you have to!  It's better to save your car, sleep in it, and be out of there, then to spend hundreds of dollars to rescue your fucking ass off a roof, and have your car and all your possesions gone too.  They are just sooooo retarded.

Also, have you seen that clip of this yelling black guy who's standing in the streets, yelling "All these people are dieing right here, and it's your fault" *points to the camera*.  How is it our fault, that a natural disaster came by... and you weren't smart enough to leave... because you wouldn't leave unless you got a first class ticket like a 57 year old white guy who worked 17 hour days with donal trump?  They complained about aid not coming... yet all the aid that DID come, got the shit shot out of it.  The fucking niggers are screaming for aid, then shooting the trucks with aid for no reason.

Billy Rubin

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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #22 on: September 05, 2005, 11:19:11 AM »

I think this whole situation has turned into black vs. white bullshit. Everyone has a right to their own opinion (Kanye West and Celine Dion included). If something this devastating would have happened somewhere else with a lower black population, there would be no controversy because it would be the white people looting and the white people trying to save people. Its people, not color, and its more about  income status.
I don't think its black people that George Bush doesn't care about...once again its people. Selfish asshole cares about nothing but himself, money and power. I'm allowed to hate him, I didn't vote for him, AND I watched Ferinheit 911. I think he needs to take a step down, admit he's fucked up, then go search for Osama himself. Just my opinion ;)
P.S. Ice man you have sexy nipples :)


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #23 on: September 05, 2005, 01:20:54 PM »

Well you have to think about its not just him making decisions up there. I dont get mad at stuff that happens becuase franky I dont think I would have been able to handle his job over the past few years. People think there is a definate answer to stopping all this stuff and there isnt. I think he is doing the best job he knows how to do. And if you look at him now compaired to how he did 6 yrs ago you can see what all this has done to the man. I dont agree with everything that has happend but I know that I  couldn't have done a better job of it. I think he is just trying to keep 9/11 from happening again. Sure there could have been better ways to do it, but still he tried to go to the source without bullshit. But obviously the best intentions don't turn out the way they were planned. If they had caught Bin Laden within the year and Sadam people would be viewing this whole thing differently.


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2005, 02:56:16 PM »

thanks billy!

President Bush... works hard, but it's things that our for his own benefit.  His FIRST major job, was running an oil company... FUNDED BY the Bin Laden family.  Do you know what happened to all of the money that the Bin Laden family had loaned and invested with him, he spent it, and didn't make a dime.  Not only, was the 9/11 attack over us aiding isreal and excluding their people from a great deal of it, but it very well could have been a *personal* attack on President Bush.  Saddam tried to assassinate Bush's father, so an extreme motive towards going into Iraq was to get the person who made a *personal* attack on his life.  In the preceding year to the invasion of Iraq... we knew that all of Iraq's surrounding countries had either bought plutonium or the technology to produce the plutonium for nuclear weapons, but we only "suspected" Iraq had them.  North Korea, has and we knew had ICBM nuclear weapons.  That really frightens me, because the 2 major targets for the west coast could either be Seattle or Las Angeles, the 2 biggest western ports for the united states.  The majority of Asian products shipped to the US come through our Seattle port, and think how many products that is.  Why didn't president Bush choose to target any of those *known* threats, when Iraq was only in question, not to mention, they didn't place an attack on us.  The original attacker of us, was al quida, and we never caught osama bin laden.  *Sure* Iraq is a training ground for them, but so is Pakistan, Iran, California in the US, and many other places, it doesn't directly relate.

During the tsunami for southeast asia, we were quick to respond.  Now with Katrina, everyone, but the United States government has been quick to respond.  We have aid offers of millions from countries we've helped in the past.  The Venezualian president Hugo Chavez, who allied with our enemy fidel castro, offered to start sending large amounts of oil to help with the energy and gas crisis we're having the day after.  Not to mention... fidel castro even offered to send 2-3 thousand qualified doctors to the US on a days notice!  Bush, still didn't do much amazingly, even though some of our enemies even responded with curteous offers of aid.  New news crews were there in a day that were not present there for the storm, why couldn't troops and many other governmental aid vehicles be sent?  I know this is quite hypocritical, but the fact that not large amounts of aid are still not there is starting to anger me about our government.  And also, I still do not agree with the nigs shooting at the aid trucks either.  Sure Bush is an asshole and taking his time on this, but if the aid is coming after so long, accept it with open arms!

And, I just found out that our wonderful president Bush actually asked the governor of Louisiana,  Kathleen Blanco, to sign over their national guard troops to him.  Bush, actually wanted, to take the government protectors who are aiding the victims of Katrina at the moment, away from their state to use elsewhere.  What, the fuck, is he thinking?


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #25 on: September 05, 2005, 03:26:53 PM »

Why would Bush need to do that? They are HIS troops anyway...Im not trying to start a lot of political bs, but a lot of the stuff going around right now is just that...bs. He tried sending in medical personal and they were getting shot at. So he pulled them back to wait for more guardsmen. Could you try explaining that to THEIR families. Your son/daughter was shot trying to rescue people stranded in a US city by US citizens. There are a million sides to millions of stories. The reason Im taking this side I guess is becuase my mother works with a lady who's brother is from there. They fled to Austin and was talking about how people and gangs were going to stay and that they were going to try to take stuff over. I think they knew it was going to be devastating but I dont think they thought about our "people" shooting at medical staff and troops. And instead of throwing unarmed people in an obviously unsafe place to be the goverment had to set up a plan to secure the city. You can't just go in there guns blazing mowing down our own citizens either...that would have been an interesting sight...and can you imagine what would have happend after that? People just assume that there is a black and white RIGHT answer. I believe that they should have been A LOT more prepaired for this. At that, I think they were just trying to make sure that the situation wasnt going to get any more out of hand than it already was.


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #26 on: September 05, 2005, 03:56:46 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper
Why would Bush need to do that? They are HIS troops anyway...Im not trying to start a lot of political bs, but a lot of the stuff going around right now is just that...bs. He tried sending in medical personal and they were getting shot at. So he pulled them back to wait for more guardsmen. Could you try explaining that to THEIR families. Your son/daughter was shot trying to rescue people stranded in a US city by US citizens. There are a million sides to millions of stories. The reason Im taking this side I guess is becuase my mother works with a lady who's brother is from there. They fled to Austin and was talking about how people and gangs were going to stay and that they were going to try to take stuff over. I think they knew it was going to be devastating but I dont think they thought about our "people" shooting at medical staff and troops. And instead of throwing unarmed people in an obviously unsafe place to be the goverment had to set up a plan to secure the city. You can't just go in there guns blazing mowing down our own citizens either...that would have been an interesting sight...and can you imagine what would have happend after that? People just assume that there is a black and white RIGHT answer. I believe that they should have been A LOT more prepaired for this. At that, I think they were just trying to make sure that the situation wasnt going to get any more out of hand than it already was.

Prepared for what?  I mean, when they say something of this measure of disaster is going to occur, leave now or you WILL die, they expect everyone to leave.  Of course, they knew some people would stay, like maybe a few thousand, but 54,000!?  WHO could of planned for that.  I know they need aid, and it's bull that it took so long, and it's bull that the people starting shooting so they needed to pull out.  I was just dissing president Bush's late response of 5 days to get ANY amount of aid in there.  I mean, I was expecting aid for the expected 10,000 people to arrive within a day or two, but the 5 days was over-done.


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #27 on: September 05, 2005, 05:02:10 PM »

All I can say is "Don't believe everything your hearing on television"


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #28 on: September 05, 2005, 05:07:04 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Billy Rubin
I think this whole situation has turned into black vs. white bullshit. Everyone has a right to their own opinion (Kanye West and Celine Dion included). If something this devastating would have happened somewhere else with a lower black population, there would be no controversy because it would be the white people looting and the white people trying to save people. Its people, not color, and its more about  income status.
I don't think its black people that George Bush doesn't care about...once again its people. Selfish asshole cares about nothing but himself, money and power. I'm allowed to hate him, I didn't vote for him, AND I watched Ferinheit 911. I think he needs to take a step down, admit he's fucked up, then go search for Osama himself. Just my opinion ;)
P.S. Ice man you have sexy nipples :)

I dont know if this is has been mentioned  but im readingthis and I need to respond to this right away because I feel somone is horribly misinformed.  George Bush is a selfish asshole?  Do you know him? Do you even live in America?  No. Ferinheit 911 wasnt a documentary its a little somthing we call PROPOGANDA.  Bush has alot to deal with especially due to the fact America is the worlds most powerful country.  Now we are waging a war and its Bushes fault he didnt fix the leves in New Orleans .  Thats been scheduled to happen since before Clinton and it hasnt happened yet.  Bush's job isnt to say where the money goes thats congress's.  This post just sounds like an uneducated Bush Basher who is personally attacking another person, one she doesnt know.  Bush has made some mistakes granted but I stand by the fact going to war was justified.  I think that a person (Bush) can not be blamed for a natural disaster especially when New Orleans has been having water problems before the Clinton administration which have remained unfixed because the government simply has many more important things to spend the millions of dollars on.  And you say Bush doesnt care, you'd bet your ass he does because now he has all this shit thrown on his desk about it.  Now we are recieving forien aid which is good and some other countrys still blame Bush.  I think people need to stop blaming people and accecpt everything doesnt always go as planned and you need to work the problem and not point fingers untill after the problem is solved.  Im done ranting...


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Hurricane Katrina
« Reply #29 on: September 05, 2005, 05:08:32 PM »

Also coordinating aid isnt the presidents job, the states Governor has control of the national guard so you can blame the governor for that aswell not bush.

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