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Author Topic: It is time.  (Read 30256 times)

Elliott Smith

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It is time.
« Reply #75 on: May 15, 2005, 10:03:26 AM »

Quote from: g00deyesnipur
So you are saying your son was not taught to read or to read well? So Elliott would be helping kids like him read and learn?  Oh and also, I respect him for being in the PeaceCorps.... ..
 Oh and also Moose, volunteering does't pad your resume that much....

Thanks, snipur.  Glad to know I'm not the sole witness to his hailstorms of fiction.  

But for the record, it is not I who is in the Peace Corps, but my sister.  Your comments are still valid though.

I'm disconnecting my computer today, and there's a good chance you won't hear from me for many weeks.  Sorry to rob you of anymore attempts to slay me.

Evil Moose of Doom

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« Reply #76 on: May 16, 2005, 01:02:14 AM »


Bravo, Bravo( along with the sound of one-hand clapping)! Valiant effort, but unfortunately, wasted on those around you who will not come to your defense. I do think it is time to shift the focus of this conversation back to the original mode of thought: Why I think Mafia is a joke, and the prison guards you hang out with. While I don't mind you making vain attempts to shift attention, most people may not recognize it as such.....but before we go back to the beginning, let me please blow you out of the water yet again on your last (?...you were supposed to have left for Nicaragua some time ago, I believe) post...

Let's rehash: #1:  "I volunteer to make a difference; I volunteer to pad my resume.  How are they mutually exclusive?  Answer that, and maybe I'll get why it's an inconsistency" ....in the world of psychology, we call that being "bipolar". You get warm, fuzzy feelings from making a difference, but have greasy feelings about using that same experience to pad your resume. Once again, make up your f***ing mind. The nature of volunteering.. .helping without expecting something in return...and you are expecting something in return. That means you are simply doing it to have something to brag about later, whether it be on a resume, or at a cocktail party. Let me make it simple for you. Just admit you are only doing it for the resume, and leave the kids alone. That way, some poor uneducated slob of a kid doesn't get his heart broken thinking some snooty college kid actually cares about him.

And here comes #2...."Inconsistency #2:  I am passionate about helping gradeschoolers; I act unfairly towards them in the game.  Well, I feel my ingame attitude doesn't affect their ability to succeed and feel good about themselves.  My extragame attitude and efforts in the classroom do.  Is it nice to be haughty ingame?  No.  It's part of the competitive atmosphere.  Emmit Smith smacks people to the ground and taunts them by day.  Does this mean he smacks his kids and wife into the ground and laughs?  Hardly.  Is he setting a good example for his kids?  Not exactly.  But it's excusable."
.......Emmitt Smith does not taunt 11-year-olds out on the field. You do. Emmitt taunts people who are in his own age and skill bracket, with the full realization that the guy he is taunting could blindside his ass the very next down(Did you ever play football, dave?), with injuries ranging from bruises to even death if hit hard enough. What do I see Pussy Dave doing? Hiding behind the mafia wall, taunting the kids...too afraid to face someone in his own age bracket and skill level unless he has his "help". Yeah, real fucking manly. Score: Moose 1, Pussy Dave 0.

Socialism=Lazy Communists

"Maybe your district is off-track, but not all are." Why don't you take a casual stroll through the NEA teachers' union page, and see just what they plan on forcing down student's throats for the next calendar year...if you can find it. This affects more than just my neck of the woods....and in my line of business, I talk to people across the nation; my sentiments are echoed. Once again, try not to assume YOUR neck of the woods = my neck. Get some lifespan behind you, and then come back and talk to me.

"You should look up the word "martyr" before you throw it around.  My sister isn't a martyr.  Sure, she suffers alongside some Nicas (in a relatively minute way), but she isn't giving her life for the cause.  Did I say I am in favor of the Peace Corps?  No, but I support my sister in her choices.  Though, her cause isn't all for naught.  My sister is involved with Health Education down there.  She instructs her community about contraceptives, STDs, teenage pregnancy, hygeine, etc.  You're telling me her community can do without this education?  We should abandon this until the government is stable?  Idiot, please.  Regardless, I'm going to visit Nicaragua.  Then I'm going to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska."
Haven't you left yet? It's not your sister's job to educate these people. The reason WHY these people supposedly need your sister's devine guidance is because the government in charge profits from them remaining stupid. Why else do you think there is zero focus on schooling or community education in most of these third-world shitholes? Me the idiot? I am not the one with the doofus sister thinking she can "make a difference" (dent) in a country bordered by other states slipping into communism, facing disease and only God knows what else...in addition to all of that, if you are going to be flying halfway around the world, and on daddy's credit card, don't you think you could find somewhere a little more scenic? "Hey, Dave, where did you go for summer vacation?!? I first went to sunny and scenic Nicaratoilet, and then straight to ShitHoe Bay, Alaska right after that!!" Wow. I can't come up with joke material this good....

Now, Dave, the next selection of yours is a great one, one I will be posting on other forums I frequent, just because of the rampant childish stupidity it just oozes out. Dave, do you think you really have some great idea of how the world works? Why our enemies hate us? Did ya learn all of this in school? Don't let me delay any longer, here is the next selection: "
What is wrong with good intentions?   Don't be so cynical.  No one got anything accomplished by being cynical.  [Insert that one instance in which, yes, someone got something accomplished by being cynical here.]  Altruism is the answer.  There is such a thing as indirect effect.  My sister, along with other PC Vols, could instill in those community members a sense of self-motivation and confidence - and they can take over from there and help themselves.  Furthermore, when America looks like it gives a damn about other countries, people like us.  When people like us, they don't fly planes into our buildings.  They don't strap bombs to themselves and go ride buses.  Not many people like us at the moment, but maybe that's all fine to you.  You seem addicted to conflict."
Dave, you seriously worry me. There is a saying I have found to ring true most all of the time: "The road to ruin is paved with good intentions". I also looked up altruism, just in case I forgot the meaning...lol. ..and here is what I found:"Main Entry: al·tru·ism
Pronunciation: 'al-tru-"i-z&m
Etymology: French altruisme, from autrui other people, from Old French, oblique case form of autre other, from Latin alter
1 : unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others
2 : behavior by an animal that is not beneficial to or may be harmful to itself but that benefits others of its species"
Now the first thing that got my attention, was the language of origin: French. Now there is a country that could teach us oodles and oodles of how to make sure our fellow man "likes" us.  Let me give you a lesson about the French. Do you know what is occurring in France right now? Muslims are overrunning the country. Muslims have also teamed up with nazis to frighten the Jews into leaving France by the droves...and what does the government do about it? Nothing. Zip. Zero. Zilch. Nada. They follow your mode of world-thought: "We just don't want to piss anyone off", and give the entire farm to other countries that want them dead. What about Spain? Spain gets attacked by bad guys, and what does Spain do about it? Nothing. They give the farm to the people who supported the bad guys, because, once again, they just don't want to piss anyone off. First of all, Muslims are currently involved in at least FIFTEEN, that's right, FIFTEEN wars worldwide, where muslims are trying to overrun another country in all of those conflicts. That's right, the same people who you think would be happy, and sit around the campfire and sing Koombyah with us if we would only give them whatever they need...the same people who knocked down a pair of rather important buildings because YOU feel like we didn't  send over enough Peace Corps workers.  Now, did you wonder why I suggested you went to a liberal school? It's because of the socialist drivel that school has pounded into your head, that America is bad/every other nation is good. Don't try to worm your ass out of this one, you really stepped on your dick this time. At no "conservative" college that I am aware of, do they teach that America is the problem with the world. Only at socialist private and public schools, do they teach that America is an imperialist nation that needs to chare its bounty with others less fortunate, never mind who pays for it (hey, "good intentions" pops up again").

"p.s. Derrierre isn't a word, but derriere is.  Maybe you should've used a simpler word like "ass."  You lame ass.

p.p.s.  What is your occupation?  I'm only curious.  My guess: You sell cell phones in the mall, or you drive a truck for UPS.  Tell me I'm arrogant for saying that.  Do it.  I want you to.

p.p.p.s.  I find it hard to believe you are a pillar of morals when you come into message boards to pick fights.  Stop trying so hard to be one.  Be yourself.  Are you honestly telling me that NOBODY likes the true you?  Aw, honey.  Come'ere.  Have a good cry.  Let it all out.  I'm here.  Nobody's gonna hurt you.  Just rest."

Hey, are you batting zero, to the point you have to go digging for typed errors?

My occupation? I write commercials for TV and radio(locally, since most nationwide accounts go through national ad agencies like Kennedy), have about 16 plays that I am writing (4 finished, but no time to try them out), 3 books I am also working on, and oh, and I run a Ford/Mustang-only restoration/repair/modification shop (you do know what a mustang is, don't you? It's a block with 4 wheels, goes vroom, and people can sit in it and drive) in my spare time, when I decided to run my own business after I had been a district sales manager for a major auto parts supplier for 6 years, with sales records still untouched even after I left the company, and with me also being the youngest to ever have that position. I was also raised on the west coast, where my father was a professional drag racer, and I had been to almost every drag strip/race track all over the U.S. by the time I was 12. Of course, none of this will ever be as glorious as the public sector job you will be heading for after your college days are through...oh, and I did attend college somewhere in there...

I come into message boards to pick fights? Yes, I do rather regularly. I don't like greasy people. You are greasy. Your pardners are greasy(intentional spelling error). They slip out from under my size 13 boots when I electronically stomp them out of existence, so even though I have to chase them around a bit, I always win. Oddly enough, the only people I have ANY trouble with, are those who are just like...you. Book smart, common sense stupid...while I have probably forgotten more than you will ever learn.

"p.p.p.p.s.  Your idea of winning is proving to me that I'm scum.  Here's a little insight into the future: you never will.  I know that I am too awesome to be scum.  You're fighting to prove something that cannot be proven.

p.p.p.p.p.s.  You say you have a kid in high school.  That makes him, oh, 16.  That means you had a kid at 16.  Smart thinking.  You're a real winner.  As I said before: sweet life, and congrats on all the success."

I don't have to prove you are a greaseball...y our inability to keep from contradicting yourself pretty much did you in all by yourself. People who are trying to hide the fact that they are walking garbage behave pretty much the way you do, in fact, your 4 pages of material could be recommended to be placed in a manual on how to dodge and evade truthful attacks on your character....

My kid being 16? Uh, he turns 14 this summer, and starts high school next fall...and you claim to be a math wiz?

I really don't know where you learned the art of speaking out of both sides of your ass, but you are going to need lots of polish for your public sector job (librarian?) if you wish to compete with the talented greaseballs that you are going to compete against. You have shot yourself in the foot time and time again, and you can't be making costly mistakes like that in public....or do you plan a job that allows you to hide behind someone more powerful?

Hey, this has been the greatest of fun, you make sure you have a fun trip, see you next fall...or have you left yet? Your repeated replies after you have supposedly had the last word remind me of a dog I once had...the dog always had to have the last bark, no matter how stupid the reason for his barking...bark for me, Dave.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2005, 01:08:04 AM by Evil Moose of Doom »

*MAFIA* Bonehead

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It is time.
« Reply #77 on: May 16, 2005, 01:17:16 AM »

Wow someone has to much free time lol


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« Reply #78 on: May 16, 2005, 02:47:23 AM »

Holy sweet hell. I just walked into this mess, got to roughly page 4, then gave up on everything.  I never knew Elliot was such a philanthropist .  As for all this other asinine bullshit, cram it Moose. I mean for the love of God man, if you're such a psychoanalyst, you should know that the greatest joy lies in understanding yourself. Do me a huge favor, step back, and realize you've just participated in 4 pages worth of unrefined rubbage over a video game. I happen to be one of those who hides in a box, shoots your pitiful body, and laughs at your corpse. If you happen to kill me, as some do, I concede myself to defeat. That's just how the server operates.

        You want advice, go find a box to hide in, and get some help out in the world. I don't know what video you watched in your Psych 101 class regarding the psychological studies of prison guards, but it's becoming rather incessant and besotted. If BF is getting so gray-haired and no one is here anymore, go find a new FPS and leave our server. As for the superiority over public-speaking Moose, Hitler was a wonderful speaker and motivator, and everyone remembers him, so maybe you'll make it big someday.

And no, a mustang is a horse, decendant of the Arabian. A Mustang is a car well out of its prime driven by men well out of their prime. Need some synonyms? Over the hill... Mid-life crisis... what're we compensating for?

I wrote a play too, when I was in the third grade. Hillary Clinton (douche) wrote a book. See, doesn't make you special. Everyone does it, no one remembers it.

Lastly, no one likes anyone in advertising, period. Retail management? *Whistles* How high are you on the food chain? You've taken something so simple as a flame war for a game and gone into someone's career and education. I did note one thing while browsing through your pathetic "flames" as they would be called until someone actually read through them and realized they were a horrendous compilation of examples of what NOT to do with English. You love to stereotype people...that alone spelled out ignorance for me. You own a Mustang shop (that's a car with four wheels that goes vroom vroom, yea?). Well, mechanics are idiots. Not SOME mechanics are idiots, or, IN MY OPINION mechanics are idiots. All mechanics are just idiots. Anyone who works on Mustangs is definitely ignorant. See how ridiculous that sounds? Are all prison guards abusive of their power? Are all Mafians identical to each other in every way, shape and form?
« Last Edit: May 16, 2005, 03:05:36 AM by Deus »


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It is time.
« Reply #79 on: May 16, 2005, 12:34:57 PM »

all I have to say is that this gay moose guy really needs some friends and a blow job...thats about it


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« Reply #80 on: May 16, 2005, 05:20:37 PM »

You tell Elliott to stop going away from subject when you go off talking about Muslims and Nazis and France...wow

p.s. Have fun writing your jingles for the radio

Elliott Smith

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« Reply #81 on: May 16, 2005, 06:13:42 PM »

All right everyone:

I'd like to sum things up and leave you with a few closing remarks:

In summary,

1.  *MAFIA* wins for the following reasons:  a. We rule.  b. We're awesome. and c. We rule.

2.  Moose lost.

3.  ruff ruff.

In closing, thanks to Deus, Snipur, Ins4n3, et al for jumping in and throwing a few noble jabs.

See y'all later!!  I leave for Nicaragua on Thursday morning.



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« Reply #82 on: May 16, 2005, 06:18:53 PM »

Bye bye Dave!

Evil Moose of Doom

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« Reply #83 on: May 19, 2005, 08:30:06 AM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
All right everyone:

I'd like to sum things up and leave you with a few closing remarks:

In summary,

1.  *MAFIA* wins for the following reasons:  a. We rule.  b. We're awesome. and c. We rule.

2.  Moose lost.

3.  ruff ruff.

In closing, thanks to Deus, Snipur, Ins4n3, et al for jumping in and throwing a few noble jabs.

See y'all later!!  I leave for Nicaragua on Thursday morning.


Mafia wins? You are funny. You Rule.....a room. Where? In your own house. Try your antics in a public server. You lose EVERY TIME. Yes, I too could start a server, rig everything where only I could win, immaturely booting people if they kill me, and then sit there thumping my chest, grunting out "I rule"...wow, and you guys call me a loser.


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« Reply #84 on: May 19, 2005, 09:22:29 AM »

Try beating the subject to death some more... somewhere else.

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Re: It is time.
« Reply #85 on: February 16, 2010, 11:32:17 AM »

Hey, Ins4n3 didn't close this after he typed CLOSED

However, this is a good read.  Brings up alot of valid points on both parts.  This still happens, even with me not as admin.  HMMMM.  Interesting. 

*MAFIA* Balthazar

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Re: It is time.
« Reply #86 on: February 16, 2010, 01:38:58 PM »

Not going to lie, that was a good read. Moose got verbally and intellectually raped by Elliott.

*MAFIA* BassSlappa

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Re: It is time.
« Reply #87 on: February 17, 2010, 05:10:08 PM »

moose made me want to punch him, then elliott calmed me down  :D

*MAFIA* Tin_man_©

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Re: It is time.
« Reply #88 on: February 19, 2010, 09:47:56 PM »

first of all i would just like to say that DOA can lick my nuts, second... moose can go shove a big black veiny cock down his fucking throat with a sign over it that says "MAFIA'S BITCH" you are officially a nigger's nigger thank you and good night. spam3
« Last Edit: February 19, 2010, 10:08:10 PM by *MAFIA* tin_man »

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Re: It is time.
« Reply #89 on: February 19, 2010, 11:32:35 PM »

first of all i would just like to say that DOA can lick my nuts, second... moose can go shove a big black veiny cock down his fucking throat with a sign over it that says "MAFIA'S BITCH" you are officially a nigger's nigger thank you and good night. spam3

Uh, tin_man.  that was pretty lame.  Now if you're going to be MAFIA, you need to articulate a bit better.

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