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Author Topic: Jesus?  (Read 5483 times)


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« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2006, 02:38:24 PM »

All I know is that I pray before I go onto the BF server, but it never seems to help.


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« Reply #16 on: February 14, 2006, 02:43:02 PM »

Menocu you need to stop posting randomly on the threads.


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« Reply #17 on: February 14, 2006, 02:47:12 PM »

thats has nothing to do with this thread and brian u have no room to talk

so can we please get beck on subject?


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« Reply #18 on: February 14, 2006, 03:20:40 PM »

Sorry, was just trying to lighten the mood a bit.  Ya know how religious or political threads can get ugly fast if ppl lose their sense of humor!

*MAFIA* ßlåkjáx

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« Reply #19 on: February 14, 2006, 07:33:51 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
Religion is real.  God is not.  Therefore, there is no accurate or inaccurate representation of some being you dub Jesus, insofar as he represents the religion you have outlined.

well, when you can prove that statement, that God is not real, then i guess your conclusion could be "dubed" true, until then, do not degrade me religion, nor my faith. you can believe what you want, but you dont need to tell everyone else they are wrong.

[) ! A B L 0

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« Reply #20 on: February 15, 2006, 03:12:47 PM »

I have a plan to solve religious conflicts and here it is...

We have a series of battlefield scrims and which ever religious team caps the most flags gets to proclaim themselves the ultimate and dominate religion!

who else likes my idea?

Just a joke but I personally do not practice any religion at the moment beacause I feel I do not need it but also because I am searching for the proper one for me. Religion does a lot of good for some people... but it also does a lot of bad for some people.  A good example would be homeless food drives and the teaching of morals. A bad example would be the fanactics who gain control of their religious followers and begin to proclaim wars in the name of their religion.

The worlds religious conflicts are not due to the religions themselves, because they all are trying to teach the same basic thing which is to have morals and to unite people for love and compassion. The religious conflicts are due to the religious fanatics that come into power and proclaim wars in the name of their religion.
Islam in and of itsself is not a violent religion.  Mohammand was a very peaceful figure.

So to me and I think everyone else here will agree, that all of the religions (in theory according to their bible, quaran, etc.) just want peace, but the people in charge of their followers manipulate something good and loving into something ugly and violent.

I myself actually enjoy going to church, especially on Christmas because of all the singing and candle lighting and love that is expressed.  But when I have a preacher preaching to me about political leaders and government politics AND telling me who I should vote for to "be a good christian"...  this is when I do not feel like I need to attend church anymore.  I, myself, am still looking for the proper church and/or different religion that best suits my ideas of what religion should be: a loving, caring meeting of people who do not believe in acting moral and good to save themselves, but to act moral and good to help all of the people on earth progress as a planet.

Also this war America is fighting at the moment in the middleeast has no connection with the crusades or religion at all fellas.  People may say that we are trying to secure the holy land (neither iraq or afghanistan is the christian holy land) and a lot of other things, but the truth is... if say south africa had enormous amounts of oil that was being sat on and not being allowed into the global economy AND their country was responsible for the terrorist attacks on the united states AND they had a dictator running their country that we tried to elimnate but failed on a previous attempt, THEN we would have had a presence THERE.  But South Africa does not. Another example of the need for oil would be Siberia.  So why dont we invade russia? (sarcasm) They have oil! It is not ONE of these factors alone.  It is the combination of those factors plus a few others NOT religion.  Because if you said religion... why dont we invade malaysia or those other southeastern asian countries.  They have the biggset population of muslims in the world there. The wars against various regions of the middleeast that the US is fighting right now is due to a number of reasons, but no one can claim LOGICALLY with PROOF that this war is about religion.

Anywayz... that's my two cents.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2006, 03:41:45 PM by *MAFIA* [) ! A B L 0 »

*MAFIA* Vanilla

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« Reply #21 on: February 15, 2006, 09:53:08 PM »

Quote from: '*MAFIA* [) ! A B L 0'
I have a plan to solve religious conflicts and here it is...

We have a series of battlefield scrims and which ever religious team caps the most flags gets to proclaim themselves the ultimate and dominate religion!

who else likes my idea?

Just a joke but I personally do not practice any religion at the moment beacause I feel I do not need it but also because I am searching for the proper one for me. Religion does a lot of good for some people... but it also does a lot of bad for some people.  A good example would be homeless food drives and the teaching of morals. A bad example would be the fanactics who gain control of their religious followers and begin to proclaim wars in the name of their religion.

The worlds religious conflicts are not due to the religions themselves, because they all are trying to teach the same basic thing which is to have morals and to unite people for love and compassion. The religious conflicts are due to the religious fanatics that come into power and proclaim wars in the name of their religion.
Islam in and of itsself is not a violent religion.  Mohammand was a very peaceful figure.

So to me and I think everyone else here will agree, that all of the religions (in theory according to their bible, quaran, etc.) just want peace, but the people in charge of their followers manipulate something good and loving into something ugly and violent.

I myself actually enjoy going to church, especially on Christmas because of all the singing and candle lighting and love that is expressed.  But when I have a preacher preaching to me about political leaders and government politics AND telling me who I should vote for to "be a good christian"...  this is when I do not feel like I need to attend church anymore.  I, myself, am still looking for the proper church and/or different religion that best suits my ideas of what religion should be: a loving, caring meeting of people who do not believe in acting moral and good to save themselves, but to act moral and good to help all of the people on earth progress as a planet.

Also this war America is fighting at the moment in the middleeast has no connection with the crusades or religion at all fellas.  People may say that we are trying to secure the holy land (neither iraq or afghanistan is the christian holy land) and a lot of other things, but the truth is... if say south africa had enormous amounts of oil that was being sat on and not being allowed into the global economy AND their country was responsible for the terrorist attacks on the united states AND they had a dictator running their country that we tried to elimnate but failed on a previous attempt, THEN we would have had a presence THERE.  But South Africa does not. Another example of the need for oil would be Siberia.  So why dont we invade russia? (sarcasm) They have oil! It is not ONE of these factors alone.  It is the combination of those factors plus a few others NOT religion.  Because if you said religion... why dont we invade malaysia or those other southeastern asian countries.  They have the biggset population of muslims in the world there. The wars against various regions of the middleeast that the US is fighting right now is due to a number of reasons, but no one can claim LOGICALLY with PROOF that this war is about religion.

Anywayz... that's my two cents.

well that was better then what i was expecting for some reason. that is great that your looking for a church and a religion. and about the the church telling you who to vote for, i agree that is not the place to do that, that is why you should choose the church you go to very carfully. it is like chooseing a place to eat. you would not go to a place that has good food, nor would you go to a church that has poor taste in what they preach about. i got to several different churchs, when i go home and when i am at school. all different denominations. if what they are preaching si from the bible then that is great, lost train of thought, but i encouage that you do look in to different onse, talk to different people beetle is a good person to talk to and i wouldn't mind talking either. i became a christian two years ago, beetle was there when i became a christian, and they say that you have this hole in your self that you try fo fill with different things such as drinking, girls, ect... well it is true, i did all that and where did it get me well back to where i was before i did it. when i became a christian my life did change i looked at things very different then i did before. do i struggle with thigns o yes i do, but i have forgiveness. to God all sin is the same, from murder to just looking at a girl with lust in your mind. it is all the same to Him. "blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when hehas been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." James 1:12 but now i have someone to help me with that, that being God.  it is very good to know that the creator of the world is on your side, and that i have a place with him in heaven forever. one more little verse then i am done "You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe -- and tremble" James 2:19.

i am sorry if anyone is offended in any way but what i said, i was just glad to see that diablo was looking around and enjoyed going to church on christmas and such. and also if that didn't really make much sense,

have a day.

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