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Messages - *MAFIA* BassSlappa

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Media / Re: Why StumbleUpon is the shit.
« on: July 19, 2012, 09:35:40 PM »
That one day on earth thing isn't anything new.

I watched this last year, and it was pretty good.

Help / Re: Tips on speeding up a computer.
« on: July 19, 2012, 12:19:34 AM »


That's how much people are paying for it on Amazon.  Way more than I paid, and they don't make them anymore even though its the best AGP card you can get. If I had five people bidding on this one card, then that means there's at least that many willing to buy it.  The only reason I didn't end up paying more in the bidding is because my highest bid was .75 cents higher then the guy that bid at the very last second, and he didn't have any time to outbid me.

I'm pretty sure I can do what Loaded said and just install the new card, and it'll override my onboard graphics, but i'll look into it more. Right now, I have to buy a DVI-I to VGA adapter, because the guy I bought it from on Ebay didn't include one and I need VGA out for my monitor.

Help / Re: Tips on speeding up a computer.
« on: July 11, 2012, 10:24:13 PM »
Bidding ended on it at $69.25, not bad at all.  And free shipping:


Was that you who won?  What was your max you were willing to pay?
Ya that was me  ;)  I put my max at $70 and with 15 seconds left, some guy tried to outbid me but his max was at only $68.25  8)  I ordered that 460watt power supply I was looking at too.  I'm on vacation right now, so it'll all be waiting for me to put together when I get back.  When I eventually get a better computer, I can sell that graphics card for twice what I paid for it and get all my money back plus some.

As for installing it though, all I have to do is uninstall my current onboard graphics drivers, shut the computer off and put the new graphics card in, and then install the new drivers?  And for RAM, i just have to put it in the slot and make sure the computer recognizes it right?

Help / Re: Tips on speeding up a computer.
« on: July 10, 2012, 04:33:36 PM »

If that is the route you WANT to go, then do it.  I personally would not want to get the new motherboard and processor, but if you don't mind the work, and have the money to spend, then I don't see why not.  As long as all that stuff is compatible with each other and plays the games you want to play, have at it.  Let us know how it goes, or if you need any more  help.
It would play just about all I want it to except for BF3.  But this is just plan B. first im going to see If I can get that card for cheap on eBay. 14 hours left and still only one bid.

Help / Re: Tips on speeding up a computer.
« on: July 07, 2012, 03:32:39 PM »
Sorry for the double post, but another route I could go is a whole motherboard upgrade.  The graphics card I wanted will probably go up in price in a bidding war, and my processor will hold it back anyways. Buying it new would be 170 Dollars, and i'd never be able to upgrade the computer any further. So, for 240 dollars, I could get:

A new motherboard: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004H6W56A/ref=ox_sc_act_title_5?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER

A new processor: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003Z4PB3O/ref=ox_sc_act_title_4?ie=UTF8&m=A33Y0YQUZ2NYD5

8 gigs of DDR3 RAM: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003OSUU6Y/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=A1C0E2G2LZFK00

A decent Graphics Card: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B004DCA8W6/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&m=A2NG4HB43UEDVL

And a cheapo PSU: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000X1R5HM/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=A27BY0PMIPQ0S2

As far as I can tell, everything is compatible with each other, and I can keep my old case, my IDE hard drive, my DVD drives, my wireless adapter, and just return the DDR2 RAM i bought.   See any problems with this?   It'll be a pain to put together, but I'll finally be able to say I built my own computer. And my parents said they'd chip in a hundred bucks, so i'd only have to pay 140 for a "brand new" computer.

Help / Re: Tips on speeding up a computer.
« on: July 07, 2012, 01:33:25 PM »
Chances are because of your low power eating CPU, you "might" be ok with what you have with your choice of GPU. But if it was me I would go with the new psu to be safe. Using it for later, maybe, I say that because up to date systems with 4 or larger core CPUs and power hungry video cards chances are even this new psu wouldn't cut it. You would need at least 800 watts to get a new system going.

Risk in low power... No start of the box, video artifacts, the psu could shut down and or burn out.

Plugs on the new unit... You will be fine. Even if you run out of flat plugs, they have jumpers/pigtails that you can buy to make them go farther.

One last thing, if the box doesn't have a rear fan, buy the biggest one that will fit to cool the box off because of the new GPU.
Well the GPU has its own fan, plus there's a rear fan in my case for the processor, and the fan on the PSU obviously.  So I think it should be nice and cool in there.  I might as well just get the new PSU for only thirty bucks. Because that HIS 4670 Is becoming really hard to find, and really expensive, I'm going to go with the sapphire one which recommends a 500watt psu. 460 should be fine.

I just hope nobody bids on it haha.

Help / Re: Electric Shavers
« on: July 07, 2012, 02:00:32 AM »
Trust me dude, you're spending so much money trying to upgrade this.  And you aren't even going to be able to shave any body parts with it.  The specs on those razors were good...three hundred years ago years ago.  You're going to regret this dude.  Just save up your money and buy one of these http://www.zafirro.com/products/Zafirro-Iridium.html

Help / Re: Tips on speeding up a computer.
« on: July 07, 2012, 01:47:11 AM »
The PSU you posted, should work... The 4 extra pins (the +4 talked about) for the MB on the new PSU will disconnect from that MB plug (just move them aside, don't use them for anything)...

Like so

Oh ok thanks. The only other potential problem I see is that on my current psu, there are five of those peripheral plug things, although only two of them are being used for my DVD drives. So I guess three is fine, but I wouldn't have any more after that since the graphics card will take up the third one.  It's also got a lot of plugs I don't need, like all those SATA plugs (I only need one for my hard drive), and the pci-e plug that I don't need at all. But I guess I can just use this power supply for whatever my next computer will be.

But before i buy it, What are the risks of keeping my current power supply though? The 4670 graphics card recommends a minimum of 400watts, but I read reviews of people saying that their 250watt psu worked fine.  Is it just bad to put that much of a load on it?  I mean im not powering that much, I have a lot of unused plugs.  And since the graphics card has sound built in, I can take out the sound card, I can take out the network adapter since im getting a wireless USB one, and I can unplug the floppy drive.  Shouldn't taking out all that make up for the extra load of the graphics card?

Help / Re: Tips on speeding up a computer.
« on: July 06, 2012, 05:25:45 PM »
I'm not sure, I've never tried that, but somebody else can probably help you if you change your mind.

Here is an old graphics card that I don't use anymore.  I can put it back in my computer and test to make sure it works, but from what I remember it ran BF2 just fine.  If you check out the specs and ratings, it is not as good as this card.  So I guess it just comes down to which games you want to play and how much money you have to spend.  Also, if you want the card I have, you'll have to wait about 3 weeks until I'm back home.  

How is your search on power supplies going?
I'll see if I can't hunt down that 4670 I was going to buy, theres a few people selling one on eBay for half price, but I don't want to get in a bidding war and end up paying more.

  And as for a power supply, I've found a few good deals, but I don't know which ones are compatible with my computer.  There's a manual showing my current power supply here http://support.dell.com/support/edocs/systems/dim4600/en/4600i/sm/techov.htm

And the one I was looking at is here:

It doesn't look like the power cables connecting to the motherboard are the same, are they?

Flame / Re: Loaded
« on: July 06, 2012, 12:10:35 AM »
Im with misfit , loaded is a shit man !
Well this could go two ways.  Being the shit is a good thing, but being a shit is a bad thing, and knowing Ricardo's english skills, the world may never know.

Help / Re: Tips on speeding up a computer.
« on: July 05, 2012, 07:55:04 PM »
Forward this PM to me also.
He lives like an hour away from me, don't give him my address.

Also, how much work is involved in replacing a processor? I found a good deal on a moderate upgrade on e-bay


EDIT: Scratch that, I did a little more searching around and it looks like i'm stuck with the processor I have...and i'm not sure I can overclock it.

Help / Re: Tips on speeding up a computer.
« on: July 05, 2012, 07:11:05 PM »
I actually think I have an old AGP graphics card I can send you if you want.  As long as you are willing to pay the cost of shipping and daring enough to PM me your address (or someone else's you can get it at).  That can save you some more money to put towards a power supply, RAM, and/or hard drive.  Let me know and I'll see if I can find it...
That'd be awesome, so long as it'd be enough of an upgrade to warrant you taking the time to ship it haha.

Help / Re: Tips on speeding up a computer.
« on: July 05, 2012, 06:58:02 PM »
Are you going to get the used one for $95?  It's one of the best AGP cards still available.  Your computer won't be great, but it'll help you play games through college, and then you can pwn all of us a get a new computer after college.
I was going to get the used one until I noticed this:

Now i'll have to look elsewhere.  Also, I still don't know about the power supply. It recommends a 400watt power supply, but I saw reviews of people saying their stock 250watt psu worked fine.  Should I take a gamble on it?  I really don't have anything in this computer that's hogging a lot of power.
I have a Pentium D 3.0ghz dual core with Nvidia 8600GT (PCI-e). You can not play BF BC2 or anything newer. BF1942 used to lag on Berlin a lot. Anything older than 2006 runs fine. Anything newer gets owned.
This computer has a pentium 4 2.8GHz single core, with an intel 82865G Graphics Controller, worse specs than yours and I never lagged on Berlin.  And that was with no fog, while running hacks, ventrilo, xfire, anti-virus, and usually an internet browser too.  Plus there are YouTube videos of people using this graphics card playing midrange games like I mentioned before.

Help / Re: Tips on speeding up a computer.
« on: July 05, 2012, 06:37:51 PM »
Honestly, you are wasting so much money trying to fix/upgrade a super old computer. You will never be able to play BF3 on that or any game right now. AGP technology is so old and useless now that you won't see updated drivers today, and drivers make a huge difference in the FPS of your games. Chances are the CPU is probably a Pentium D or similar, which will get owned by many games/softwares of today. If your harddrive is IDE and not SATA, that's another thing slowing down your computer.

If you put RAM of two different speeds in your pc, the computer will make the faster RAM run at the slower speed because the slower one can't run any faster.

Save up some money and you can buy a cheap computer around $500-600 that will give you a better life. Seriously, do not spend any money upgrading this. You will regret it.
The RAM I put in isn't a different speed, just different capacities.  Although maybe that's what you mean.  If need be, then I can just buy two more 1GB sticks of ram for another thirty bucks.  And the processor is a Pentium 4 2.8GHz processor. That's not that bad is it? Its more GHz than my laptop... I really haven't spent any money.  just thirty on the RAM, and ten on a wireless adapter.  The only big money i'll spend on this thing is the graphics card for $100.  I've read like 100+ reviews on it, and have heard lots of people say they have almost the exact same rig as me, same processor and everything, and they were able to play games like Left for Dead 2, Assassin's Creed, and GTA IV.  In the long run, yeah i'll get a new computer but if i can use this one to play low to mid range games with a hundred dollar graphics card then why not? I'm doing this to learn more about computers too, and so far i've learned a lot.

This is the graphics card I think i'm going to get: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003CYKCG8/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?ie=UTF8&m=AD6R847RRI5VX

Help / Re: Tips on speeding up a computer.
« on: July 05, 2012, 02:37:50 PM »
Yeah I'll be playing battlefield again haha, so long as I can figure out how to put the graphics card in.  Installing the RAM seems easy enough, but I'll need to run power to a graphics card, which is a little more complicated.  Speaking of which, I found two that will work.

This is the one Beatle recommended.  As far as I can tell, itll work but a lot of people were saying it was a pain to find working drivers for it, even though it claims to have working drivers on the included cd.  It recommends a 400watt power supply, but I read a few reviews saying that the stock 250watt power supply worked fine.

This one seems like it performs better, but it costs a lot more, and i'll probably need to get a new power supply since it looks like a 500watt power supply is recommended. People said it was easier to install though.

For these prices I could get a much better card if only I had PCI-e slots...

And as for the hard drive, it's still the original drive.  I've never had any problems with it other than its a little noisy sometimes.  It's a 150gb drive. Not a whole lot, but all im going to have on it is games for now. My music and pictures are all on the laptop. 

Also, I can't believe how much faster a drive wipe and a fresh install of xp made my computer.  It boots up in less than fifteen seconds.  So there's hope for it yet.

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