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Author Topic: Best song of all time?  (Read 44848 times)

Elliott Smith

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Best song of all time?
« Reply #60 on: July 17, 2006, 05:22:43 PM »

GWAR, you tool.  "I hate corporate America" blah blah blah.  You know you can't escape its grasp, so why bother to shove a trumpet in your vagina and preach wholesome commercialism?  Go beat somebody's kids or run over animals or something, but shut the fuck up already.  Now, I'm gonna go buy something gawdy.  Yay!!  LOL!!!!@

You're just another person who'll never be but a dim blip.  I've already lost sight of you.  Ohhp, no more GWAR.  Poor guy.

GWAR 3:16

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Best song of all time?
« Reply #61 on: July 17, 2006, 05:25:31 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
GWAR, you tool.  "I hate corporate America" blah blah blah.  You know you can't escape its grasp, so why bother to shove a trumpet in your vagina and preach wholesome commercialism?  Go beat somebody's kids or run over animals or something, but shut the fuck up already.  Now, I'm gonna go buy something gawdy.  Yay!!  LOL!!!!@

You're just another person who'll never be but a dim blip.  I've already lost sight of you.  Ohhp, no more GWAR.  Poor guy.

Consume, bitch.  But don't actually respond to my offer to meet with you so that you can talk tough in person.  Thats the real test, isn't it?

You know you can't win so why try!  Spoken like a true latch key MTV kid.  Now go find something nice and easy to do while you think up a reason why you can't meet with me in person, big guy.

Also, you get irony points for calling me a tool while you're pimping walmart to the masses.  Which company was your rant sponsored in part by?

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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Best song of all time?
« Reply #62 on: July 17, 2006, 05:30:09 PM »

Quote from: GWAR 3:16
So you're saying your 'German' grandmother, in Germany, in the 1930's converted to Judaism?  What timing.  Do you have any idea how expensive, time consuming, and complicated it is to 'convert' to Judaism?  Its a closed club...they're not interested in 'saving souls' like xtians are.

But back on track, in Hitler's Germany, this German women 'converted' to Judaism, while her husband was fighting in the German war machine?  How ever did she escape being gassed?


I like how you assume they were married during WWII, among other things. Oh yeah, did i ever say she was in germany in the 30's? Nope, in switzerland. Judaism isn't a "closed club," did you try to convert yourself or something? You don't need to climb a mountain or fight dragons, it's not impossible like you say.
You say "sure" but hey, i don't care. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, just correcting you. You could think she was a one-legged philipino whore for all i care, doesn't make the slightest difference to me.
What is the Alchole level pike at for you Duney.

*MAFIA* Beatlejuice

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Best song of all time?
« Reply #63 on: July 17, 2006, 05:40:56 PM »

Quote from: GWAR 3:16

Elton John lyrics are easy to find.  I'll sample a few, you tell me if there are homosexual overtones or not.

Album name: "Goodbye yellow brick road" (an obvious reference to The Wizard of Oz/Judy Garland, someone who is loved by homos for some reason)

Those are the lyrics.  So you bringing up the red herring of 'gay music(instrumentals) really has nothing to do with this argument, and I believe you were being intentionally disingenious.  Obviously 'music' can't be gay, but his lyrics definitely can.  Not only gay, but bordering on pedophilia as well.  If you want to push the point, I can go and dig some more for more gay references in his lyrics.

Well you asked me to tell you if there are homosexual overtones or not, and I'll have to say no.  Have you not read my other posts?  Elton John did not write that song.  Bernie Taupin writes the lyrics and Elton writes the music  and sings it  Look here:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodbye_Yellow_Brick_Road_(song)
Also, I am a fan of the Wizard of Oz, but not so much Judy Garland.  She's ok I guess.  I watched the movie a lot growing up, it is a classic.  Great music and great story.  Does that make me gay?  Ha, I hope not.  But I know who I am and thats all that matters, I could care less of what others think, especially people on video games forums.  God will judge me.  I am just interested in other people's ideas, thoughts, and opinions for some reason, and this is all quite interesting and fun for me.

Quote from: GWAR 3:16
'The road to hell is paved with good intentions.'

Are you trying to say I'm headed to hell?  If so, let's hear you back that one up.  And what about the Bible scripture that "tells" me to stone gays?  Are you still searching for that or will you admit it doesn't exist?

Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
You're just another person who'll never be but a dim blip.  I've already lost sight of you.  Ohhp, no more GWAR.  Poor guy.

Ah, be nice.  I think he's more than just that.  He's a unique individual with a lot to say, and a lot to disagree with.  I'm glad I'm not him for 2 reasons though:  having to respond to several people on this thread, and being a lost man without a savior.

GWAR 3:16

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« Reply #64 on: July 17, 2006, 05:41:57 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller
I like how you assume they were married during WWII, among other things. Oh yeah, did i ever say she was in germany in the 30's? Nope, in switzerland. Judaism isn't a "closed club," did you try to convert yourself or something? You don't need to climb a mountain or fight dragons, it's not impossible like you say.
You say "sure" but hey, i don't care. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not, just correcting you. You could think she was a one-legged philipino whore for all i care, doesn't make the slightest difference to me.

A one legged phillipino whore converting would be more believable.  I think either, a: shes a jewess and your family has tried to explain it away, or b: you're making more shit up like you're inclined to do.

How do I know the sky is fucking blue?  Because I fucking learned it.  How do you know things?  I have researched it, have you?  Let me break it down for you, Avi.  Here is a jewish site that talks about converting...d o you think you have to do all this if you walk into the Wilkesboro Baptist Church?  No.



If, after the initial consideration, a person wishes to explore conversion more fully, the next step is to find a rabbi. This part of the process can be difficult for several reasons. Obviously, individual rabbis differ. Some devote more time than others to conversion candidates. Some adhere to an ancient tradition of turning away a candidate three times to test the candidate's sincerity. In general, though, rabbis are extremely dedicated people who are both intelligent and religiously sensitive. They are Judaism's gatekeepers. They decide who can enter into Judaism. Given their central importance to a potential convert, it makes sense to visit several rabbis and several synagogues to look for a compatible match.

If you are looking for a rabbi, check with friends and family for advice. Contact a local board of rabbis or other Jewish group, or check a local telephone directory. You can also contact the movements directly. See the section "Getting More Information About Conversion to Judaism."

A second problem is that rabbis belong to different groupings or movements. The four major movements are Conservative, Orthodox, Reconstruction ist, and Reform Judaism. It is important for potential candidates to understand the differences among these movement and choose which movement is right for them.

When a person does see a rabbi, the rabbi can authoritativel y answer questions about conversion. If the person has already decided to convert, the rabbi will probably ask a series of questions about that decision. Such questions might include some of these:

Why do you want to convert?
What is your religious background?
What do you know about Judaism?
Do you know the differences between Judaism and your birth religion?
Were you pressured to convert?
Are you willing to spend the necessary time studying to become Jewish?
Are you willing to raise any children you might have as Jewish?
Have you discussed this decision with your family?
Do you have any questions about Judaism or conversion?

Wow...My family was hard core pentecostal until I was 12 years old, I saw dozens of new people come into our church.  I never remember anyone asking them these questions, just making them welcome and possibly baptising them.


A decision has been made to study Judaism, and a rabbi has agreed to oversee that studying. A person might not yet be fully sure that a conversion is right, but the initial steps of exploration will continue. Even those who don't ultimately convert generally find that studying Judaism is both interesting and helpful in their making a final decision about conversion.

Converts study Judaism in a variety of ways. Some work directly with a rabbi, meeting regularly and fulfilling specific study assignments. Others attend formal Introduction to Judaism or conversion classes, often with their Jewish romantic partner. A typical course of study will include basic Jewish beliefs and religious practices, such as prayer services, the history of the Jewish people, the Jewish home, the Jewish holidays and life cycle, the Holocaust, and Israel, as well as other topics. The study of Hebrew is also included.

The period of study varies greatly. In general, the range is from six months to a year, although there are variations. Many Gentiles preparing to marry someone Jewish go through this process early so as to get married in a Jewish ceremony. A marriage between someone born Jewish and someone who becomes Jewish is a Jewish marriage, not an intermarriage. If this is a crucial issue, plan to begin study well before a wedding.

Usually during this study period, a rabbi will ask that the person begin practicing Judaism according to the understanding of the movement. This can be a worthwhile time to explore Judaism. For example, even if a person does not ultimately plan to keep kosher (observe Jewish ritual rules about food), it is valuable to explore the rules for keeping kosher during this period of study.

So there is a great deal of study involved.  For a jew by blood this isn't a problem, as they have been brought up in this enviroment, and also set aside time to study for the bat/bar mitzvah.  What do you have to study to become a xtian?


The Religious Court, or Bet Din, most often consists of three people, at least one of whom must be a rabbi. Often it consists of three rabbis. The Bet Din officially oversees the formal conversion. Individual rabbis will provide guidance about how the Bet Din works. Because it takes place after learning, one part of the appearance will be to determine the Jewish knowledge of the conversion candidate. There might, for example be a question about the meaning of the Jewish Sabbath or about the Jewish belief in one God. These questions are not meant to trap candidates. Obviously, candidates are nervous during such questioning, but in almost all cases the questions are simply meant to assess the sincerity of the candidate and to make sure the conversion was entered into freely. Often an oath of allegiance to the Jewish people is made

Ahh, the religious court.  In other words, you have to be judged worthy by jews to be let into the tribe.  It doesn't happen very often, and most conversions are by people who marry a jew.  Which xtian court judges your worth again?


The specific requirements for conversion and their order need to be discussed with a rabbi. One requirement for males who wish to be converted by an Orthodox or Conservative rabbi is circumcision, or brit milah. If a circumcision has already been performed, the Orthodox and Conservative movements require that a drop of blood be drawn as a symbolic circumcision. This ceremony is called Hatafat Dam Brit. The Reform and Reconstruction ist movements generally do not require a circumcision as part of the conversion process.

Ah yes, don't forget to chop part of your dick off in a blood offering to your desert god.


In ancient times, conversion candidates brought sacrifices or offerings to the Temple in Jerusalem. After the Temple was destroyed, this ceremony disappeared. Jewish law therefore does not require such an offering. However, some rabbis, especially among the Orthodox, mention it as an opportunity to engage in an act of donating money to the poor or another act of charity to make a symbolic offering. This step can voluntarily be added to the conversion process.

Ahh, now we're getting to the gist of it.  The 'offering,' to G_d of course.  Of course, you can make a 'symbolic offering,' but then what will the religous court think?

I never said converting was impossible, just very costly, time consuming, and difficult.  And its that way by design, because jews have no desire to extend the brotherhood to include the goyem(cattle).

Remember when you used to do nothing but kiss my ass while I ignored you?

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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Best song of all time?
« Reply #65 on: July 17, 2006, 05:54:14 PM »

Quote from: GWAR 3:16
A one legged phillipino whore converting would be more believable.  I think either, a: shes a jewess and your family has tried to explain it away, or b: you're making more shit up like you're inclined to do.

Remember when you used to do nothing but kiss my ass while I ignored you?

what do you mean "she's a jewess and your family has tried to explain it away?"
secondly, why in hell would i want to make this up? Look, i don't care if you believe me or not, but don't call me a fucking straight out liar.
What do you mean i used to kiss your ass? I remember you used to play alot and that you wouldn't kill me, but nothing else. Oh yeah, how does one kiss someone's ass while playing an internet video game?
Just give it up man, i never asked you to believe me, like it ever mattered to me.
What do you mean by "making more shit up like you're inclined to do." What is this "more" shit? What did i "make up" in the past, huh? Go back to arguing about queers, don't try to teach me my family history.

GWAR 3:16

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« Reply #66 on: July 17, 2006, 05:54:25 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Beetlejuice
Well you asked me to tell you if there are homosexual overtones or not, and I'll have to say no.  Have you not read my other posts?  Elton John did not write that song.  Bernie Taupin writes the lyrics and Elton writes the music  and sings it  Look here:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goodbye_Yellow_Brick_Road_(song)
Also, I am a fan of the Wizard of Oz, but not so much Judy Garland.  She's ok I guess.  I watched the movie a lot growing up, it is a classic.  Great music and great story.  Does that make me gay?  Ha, I hope not.  But I know who I am and thats all that matters, I could care less of what others think, especially people on video games forums.  God will judge me.  I am just interested in other people's ideas, thoughts, and opinions for some reason, and this is all quite interesting and fun for me.

Are you trying to say I'm headed to hell?  If so, let's hear you back that one up.  And what about the Bible scripture that "tells" me to stone gays?  Are you still searching for that or will you admit it doesn't exist?

Ah, be nice.  I think he's more than just that.  He's a unique individual with a lot to say, and a lot to disagree with.  I'm glad I'm not him for 2 reasons though:  having to respond to several people on this thread, and being a lost man without a savior.

You're being intentionally disingenious again.  You said his 'music' was gay, I provided lyrics that are definitively gay.  Saying they aren't is just an example of you being obtuse.

You being a fan of the Wizard of Oz has nothing to do with the fact that Judy Garland is a homosexual folk hero.  That title in a gay mans album isn't a coincidence.


I can't speak for the accuracy of that but it does set a precedent.  Yet another example of you intentionally misunderstandi ng.  Theres a NS band named Beserkr.  They have an album entitled 'Swindlers Wish.'  It is an obvious take on 'Schindlers List.'  Using your logic, its not, however, despite the fact that they're a Nazi band and they reference an incident in Nazi history.

As for stoning homosexuals in the bible, I passed over it as irrelevant.  Would you like me to start pointing out things that you ignore and/or choose to evade?  But since you insist, here you go.  You might need some scope to get the taste of foot out of your mouth.  Of course, you probably go to a touchy feely feel good church, and they don't cover the meaner bits of the bible.  Isn't historical revisionism wonderful?  You don't even have to follow what you claim to believe.


"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them."

That is from the KJV.  There are other versions of the bible(how can there be so many versions of god's word?) in which it specifically mentions stoning as the execution method.

As for me without a savior, my race is my religion, and my skin is my uniform.  You lie there crying for jesus, and I'll depend on my self.  Lets see who helps faster.  When we're both being eaten by worms then we'll know the real truth, won't we?  Besides, I wouldn't want to believe in a god who is so insecure that he has to say, believe in me, without proof, or you will burn in hell for eternity.  I would think a just god would reward honest inquiry.  What is my belief, the belief of a being CREATED by your god, to that omnipotent being?  I guess he just wants to be loved.

I also like your backhanded comments you make.  I always pick up on them...its very xtian of you.  Kind of like preaching on sunday and whoring on monday.

GWAR 3:16

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« Reply #67 on: July 17, 2006, 05:55:50 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller
what do you mean "she's a jewess and your family has tried to explain it away?"
secondly, why in hell would i want to make this up? Look, i don't care if you believe me or not, but don't call me a fucking straight out liar.
What do you mean i used to kiss your ass? I remember you used to play alot and that you wouldn't kill me, but nothing else. Oh yeah, how does one kiss someone's ass while playing an internet video game?
Just give it up man, i never asked you to believe me, like it ever mattered to me.
What do you mean by "making more shit up like you're inclined to do." What is this "more" shit? What did i "make up" in the past, huh? Go back to arguing about queers, don't try to teach me my family history.

If you never asked me to believe you, then why the fuck did you bother to tell me the bullshit in the first place?  Yeah, good question huh?

You said Judaism wasn't hard to convert to.  I provided links to a jewish site that proves it is. Did you forget that part?  Or is that just going to go down the memory hole?

PS.  You're a fucking liar.  Almost forgot that part.

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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« Reply #68 on: July 17, 2006, 06:02:28 PM »

Quote from: GWAR 3:16
If you never asked me to believe you, then why the fuck did you bother to tell me the bullshit in the first place?  Yeah, good question huh?

You said Judaism wasn't hard to convert to.  I provided links to a jewish site that proves it is. Did you forget that part?  Or is that just going to go down the memory hole?

First of all, i was correcting you because you said my grandfather was a jew, he wasn't. Secondly it wasn't "bullshit" but i guess you've decided to think it is, oops, forgot to give a damn. I didn't say it was easy to convert to, i said it wasn't fucking impossible, like you implied. No, i read your whole judaism breakdown, eventhough a moyle isn't nessisary for women, nice try though. Like i said, go back to arguing about homosexuality, don't try to tell me what happened to my family.

GWAR 3:16

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« Reply #69 on: July 17, 2006, 06:06:45 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller
First of all, i was correcting you because you said my grandfather was a jew, he wasn't. Secondly it wasn't "bullshit" but i guess you've decided to think it is, oops, forgot to give a damn. I didn't say it was easy to convert to, i said it wasn't fucking impossible, like you implied. No, i read your whole judaism breakdown, eventhough a moyle isn't nessisary for women, nice try though. Like i said, go back to arguing about homosexuality, don't try to tell me what happened to my family.

If you don't give a damn why are you explaining yourself?  Idiot.

I never said it was impossible, I said it was costly(offering), time consuming(a year of study potentially), and difficult(you have to meet multiple jews and THEY have to let you in.)

Where does that imply impossible?  You're just making shit up now, and not even bothering to try to refute anything.  Keep flailing.

By the way, that came directly from a judaism site. Not from me.  I would think you would have noticed that if you read it.  Are you telling jews what they need?  We used to call that 'straight from the horse's mouth,' eg, directly from the source.  So way to prove me wrong by arguing with the jewish author of that article.  Email him and let him know he's wrong.

Elliott Smith

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« Reply #70 on: July 17, 2006, 06:10:45 PM »

Quote from: GWAR 3:16
Consume, bitch.  But don't actually respond to my offer to meet with you so that you can talk tough in person.  Thats the real test, isn't it?

You know you can't win so why try!  Spoken like a true latch key MTV kid.  Now go find something nice and easy to do while you think up a reason why you can't meet with me in person, big guy.

Also, you get irony points for calling me a tool while you're pimping walmart to the masses.  Which company was your rant sponsored in part by?

I've already responded to your offers ad nauseum.  You direct anger at me, and that's a big turn off, GWAR.  Now do you see why I don't want to meet up with you?  Also, I actually do not consume very much, compared to the average American, in my opinion, but I also choose my battles differently than you do.  Latch key MTV kid... okay.  It always comes back to my music taste: MTV and emo.  I don't like emo, and I don't watch MTV.  Oh, but how could that be if my name is Elliott Smith?  Well, he's not an emo musician, and he's not promoted by MTV.  Also, his music has worn thin for me, and I rarely listen to it anymore.  So, scratch that shoddy criticism off of your tired, crumpled list.  You're such a bullshitter, it isn't even funny.  Does your mother still believe in you?

EDIT: Actually, I do like one album of one emo band: Low Level Owls, Vol. 1 of The Appleseed Cast.

Elliott Smith

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« Reply #71 on: July 17, 2006, 06:15:57 PM »

Quote from: GWAR 3:16
If you don't give a damn why are you explaining yourself?  Idiot.

I never said it was impossible, I said it was costly(offering), time consuming(a year of study potentially), and difficult(you have to meet multiple jews and THEY have to let you in.)

Where does that imply impossible?  You're just making shit up now, and not even bothering to try to refute anything.  Keep flailing.

By the way, that came directly from a judaism site. Not from me.  I would think you would have noticed that if you read it.  Are you telling jews what they need?  We used to call that 'straight from the horse's mouth,' eg, directly from the source.  So way to prove me wrong by arguing with the jewish author of that article.  Email him and let him know he's wrong.

You used eg incorrectly.  Learn to write, then start giving yourself some credit.

GWAR 3:16

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« Reply #72 on: July 17, 2006, 06:16:43 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
I've already responded to your offers ad nauseum.  You direct anger at me, and that's a big turn off, GWAR.  Now do you see why I don't want to meet up with you?  Also, I actually do not consume very much, compared to the average American, in my opinion, but I also choose my battles differently than you do.  Latch key MTV kid... okay.  It always comes back to my music taste: MTV and emo.  I don't like emo, and I don't watch MTV.  Oh, but how could that be if my name is Elliott Smith?  Well, he's not an emo musician, and he's not promoted by MTV.  Also, his music has worn thin for me, and I rarely listen to it anymore.  So, scratch that shoddy criticism off of your tired, crumpled list.  You're such a bullshitter, it isn't even funny.  Does your mother still believe in you?

How many times are you going to come back after you say you're done?  That says something about the content of your character, eh?

I'm going to translate what you said into emo talk so anyone who doesn't wear girl pants and cry when morrisey plays can understand:

"I Elliot am a big pussy and I only argue on the internet.  If I actually live close to someone who is willing to see how big my mouth is in person, I plead emo and say I don't like anger.  I am the perfect neutered American male, aggressive when there is no real consquence but quick to turn tail if any real conflict is offered."

Thats about the gist of what you say.  And you haven't responded to us getting together, you've said you have but you've failed to take the critical step of saying Yes I will or No I won't.  Although believe me, your cowardice shines through bright and clear.

I also like how you don't like anger, but have no problem with speaking angrily at someone.  You probably yell shit at people from moving cars.  I guess your real problem is if the anger is directed at you.

Were you a single child, or the child of a single parent?  If you taken any psych classes you will understand the import of that.

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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« Reply #73 on: July 17, 2006, 06:18:06 PM »

Quote from: GWAR 3:16
If you don't give a damn why are you explaining yourself?  Idiot.

I never said it was impossible, I said it was costly(offering), time consuming(a year of study potentially), and difficult(you have to meet multiple jews and THEY have to let you in.)

Where does that imply impossible?  You're just making shit up now, and not even bothering to try to refute anything.  Keep flailing.

By the way, that came directly from a judaism site. Not from me.  I would think you would have noticed that if you read it.  Are you telling jews what they need?  We used to call that 'straight from the horse's mouth,' eg, directly from the source.  So way to prove me wrong by arguing with the jewish author of that article.  Email him and let him know he's wrong.

Look, keep thinking i'm full of bullshit and making things up, why someone would do that is beyond me...but you can keep on thinking it. I don't care if it came from the judaism site you posted, did you bother reading what i wrote? I said women don't need a moyle, because they don't have a penis. So, what part of that sentence was wrong? I said you need not post a section about getting a tip of your wang cut off if it doesn't apply to what we were talking about (a woman.)

GWAR 3:16

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« Reply #74 on: July 17, 2006, 06:19:16 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Elliott Smith
You used eg incorrectly.  Learn to write, then start giving yourself some credit.

Really?  Here is what a dictionary says.  Perhaps you can share what you think it means?  I know certain people have trouble distinguishing between IE and EG.  Perhaps you suffer from this as well?

9 entries found for eg.
Latin. exempli gratia (for example).
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