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Author Topic: Terrorism  (Read 56189 times)


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« Reply #30 on: April 24, 2006, 04:10:03 PM »

Interesting, I am open to all evidence but the evidence you presented I did not believe its that simple.  Like I said, I love you.


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Your insults swifty from the first post:
All I have to say is you are an idiot
Grow up and open your eyes
"WE are terrorists," is a comment as a nation... and it's true from one end.  We entered Iraq and attacked first.  Our actions fit the definition perfectly, it would be hypocritical of ourselves to call others terrorists, fit the same guidelines, and then claim that we are free from blame.

Something I forgot to reply to:
As for unlawful, it is completely lawful and congress has deemed it so. These are the people you elected by the way.
dude... I'll copy something from the other thread that I replied to in here...
Quote from: Mastodon
Please stop saying "we". "WE" did not elect to do this, the pentagon did.
Quote from: Myself
WE live in a democracy. WE elected many of the politicians (twice). WE elected the politicians who place people into non-elected positions. WE elected to do this.
So I agree with you there... BUT, this is the analysis part that you are seriously missing out on.  It's not that the Iraq war was unlawful, but READ the article I posted to go along with my first post on terrorism.  Now THAT is unlawful.


Quote from: ThaSnyper
. I like you and do not mean this rudely or disrespectfull y but you really need to think about this here.
Considering the fact that I'm the one doing the analysis of the situation... other than relaying what is said to me... I don't think I'm the one who needs to do more thinking.  And yes, no disrespect, I've been in plenty of debates on in my view (not all), only a further education of the situation can be brought from all sides coming to state their opinions:)

Any government will keep information about things we shouldn't know. What about Area 51? Who really knows whats there either.
As far as we know, there are no instances with a mass amount of evidence showing that activities at Area 51 are being used to kill are own citizens.  We have no pictures, and know absolutely nothing about it.  9/11 is MUCH different, and you can't even compare the two.

He's OUR president whether we like it or not. I didn't like Clinton. But I didn't bitch about it when he was getting blown by a cow.
Bitching?  Yes, it is bitching.  The only way to come about REFORM of corrupt actions is to bitch.  First you need to find out, "what actually happened?"  The next step is finding the actions you can take to stop it.  Third would be putting those actions into action.  Fourth is fixing mistakes.  Do you think Che Guevara, could have achieved his success in South America (screw what happened to cuba), if he didn't bitch?

Hey with all the money yall are spending on complaining, why don't you come up with efficient alternative fuels? Just a thought. Im sure ya'll will stick to bitchin.
I have that SAME arguement against religion.  The only difference with what you are saying to me, is that we are spending money.  How am I spending money right now?  Paying for the internet, using a computer, supporting companies which employ people?  "We," conspirators, spend practically no money.  You know what is a great deal of money:
As of March 31, 2006, over $251 billion has been allocated by the US Congress for the Iraqi war, as well as the war in Afghanistan.
And that... is a far under-estimation.  That's almost $1000 a person for those who live in the United States.  Think of what we could accomplish with $251 billion.

Quote from: The one and only sexy Billy!
I agree with Iceman.
BILLY!  Thank you for the kind words!  Glad to see you again.:)

(still typing, I'll just post what I got so far... AND... some evidence coming up:))
i'm joining doa;)


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« Reply #32 on: April 24, 2006, 04:31:18 PM »

Quote from: Rat-Man
Just let me say that watching a movie that has no bases in reality is not research. No plane crash in PA or the Pentagon? Are you for real? Come on now your smarter than that.

(directly copied from the other thread... sorry if it's got a bit of an attitude on it;))
Show me a picture of a 757 that hit the pentagon, and one in Shanksville.  Unless you photoshop one, I doubt I'm gonna see any pics here.;)

[SIZE="5"]We'll play a game with it, spot the big jumbo jet plane!;)[/SIZE]
not to mention... there's no marking of wings hitting the pentagon:

and before it's collapse:

Loose Change used a lot of material from various websites, just search Pentagon attack on Google, and you'll see the notes about the windows are in-tact, theres only a 16 foot wide hole before it collapsed, the spools in the front are untouched... etc:

(I've been editing this a lot as a find pics...)

Shanksville time!

This is like where is Waldo;)

I don't see one.  Do you?  That's the most blatantly obvious evidence I can show you.  It's impossible for jet fuel which burnt at 2000 degrees, to "incinerate" a jumbo jet, when the metals that the plane are made of, have a melting point of 3000...  Not only that... but like I said before... first time ever... would this have been the occurance of a plane "incinerating."  Do you actually think that both occurances of this, the only ones in existence, happened on 9/11 when physics show it's impossible?

Even if a plane did hit the pentagon, it hit an area that underwent reconstruction, and basically had few people in it.  It was the only area that could with-stand this attack.  It "ripped lightpoles out of the ground," where as other flights have hit a lightpole, ripping off the wing, and crashing into many pieces (from Loose Change).  That screams something is going on that the government knew.



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« Reply #33 on: April 24, 2006, 04:45:48 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
You know so many people hate Bush, I dont blame them. But heres the tricky part, do you believe that Kerry would have been a better president than Bush? The guys best defense of why he should win the fucking election is because he won a purple heart in the vietnam war. He won the purple heart, no not from doing brave and heroic acts, but only because he didnt die. And about our country doing terrorism acts?

I already answered this:
Quote from: myself
Bush was better than Kerry? Kerry could only point out Bush's obvious flaws, that's it. John Edwards, had the plans to fix everything. Either way with that election, we were going to get royally fucked in the ass, because Kerry wouldn't have done a thing... and Edwards would push to shut down every major corporation in this country. BUT, in November of last year, I constantly said, that if Bush get's re-elected, I expected that we would be on the brink of nuclear war. GUESS WHAT, cha-CHING. We are. Nothing > nukes. It's better to do nothing, then to start a war of M.A.D.

Which brings me to this:
Quote from: Illusion
Do you really believe that "John Edwards had the plans to fix everything?" I hope you were being sarcastic when you said that because that's giving him wayyy too much credit.

Ahh... stupid sayings in English, not everything.  No one will have the key to everything, and that's why I put "Either way with that election, we were going to get royally fucked in the ass."  Kerry didn't have a plan, what I meant by everything, was that everything they planned to do, John Edwards was the one who proposed it.  THat didn't mean all problems, but all problems that were meantioned during the campaigning and debates of the 2004 elections, were done by Edwards.  Hope I cleared that up.:)

Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
WTF are you talking about, you wanna know the real definition of terrorism? Its destroying the lives of the innocent. We are trying to destroy the lives of the ones killing the innocent.

We don't even know that we went out after the people who did this FOR SURE.  It was all "speculation."  Read the small font, and the small statements.  Skimming articles doesn't show you specifics.

Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
People are dying so that you can sit on your ass all day playing video games, and you dare to call them terrorists? fuck you.

OH yes Blackjax, I sit on my ass and play video games all day.  I'm 16, my parents are lovely people who make $250,000 a year.  MAN, how bout you go fuck yourself.  My dad is supposedly dead of a heroin OD and my mom's in jail, and will be till I have kids.  I've been working my ass off since I was 10 so that I could EAt.  I just came back after living in my car for 4 months.  YES, I AM SO LUCKY.  YOU KNOW WHAT KEEPS ME GOING, KNOWING THAT THERE ARE OTHERS WHO HAVE IT WORSE THAN ME.  I have a roof over my head, food, water, that's all I need, but by no means, am I sitting on my ass.  I maintain good grades, taking advantage of the fruits that I can take in, such as education, so I can have a good life.  I work, I strive, and achieve, and on top of that, I have a drive to analyze and look into instances like this, while all you fuckers just watch the news, and consider that fact.  FUCK YOU blackjax.

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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« Reply #34 on: April 24, 2006, 05:58:22 PM »

damn, no one responds to my posts. I had a good point too, anyone living in california knows exactlly who Bako's are and what they do, those consumptive assholes in their big ass Fords.
What is the Alchole level pike at for you Duney.


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« Reply #35 on: April 24, 2006, 06:02:12 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* ICEMAN
My dad is supposedly dead of a heroin OD and my mom's in jail, and will be till I have kids.

That explains a lot...


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« Reply #36 on: April 24, 2006, 06:30:44 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper
That explains a lot...
You are so fucking retarded.  What my parents background happens to be, has nothing to do with my own speculation, and I am in no way like them.  I strive to be the exact opposite, and love to LEARN.  Some of you stupid ass motherfuckers believe that once a poor dumb bastard... always a poor dumb bastard... well I've got news for you, my 3.98 and honors classes say otherwise.  Not to mention the fact that many of you, haven't analyzed a thing.  SERIOUSLY, take my advice! try it!  Don't just read off a paper.  I didn't just read off videos, considering that when I started with this, the videos weren't even made.

Shove it.

And... talk about personal cheap shots.  Swifty, are you going to bitch about ThaSnypers comments?  Or is it just like your views on (researching) government?  completely one sided?

Wasser --- great insight into it!:)  I read it, I just somehow didn't quote you.. sorry about that:)
« Last Edit: April 24, 2006, 06:35:48 PM by ICEMAN »


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« Reply #37 on: April 24, 2006, 06:40:11 PM »

It wasn't meant to be a personal attack. It just explains where you come from. And if you did really know what you were talking about, how your parents act is the biggest influence on your thoughts and feelings. I dont recall calling you a retard. But really...have you ever seen a plane fly into a building? I have a friend Ive known almost all my life who saw the aftermath. I believe him when he says it was a plane. At that heat it melts. I have seen videos of planes hitting the ground and just about bursting into a million pieces then burning to a charred rubble. Are you saying that they dug a hole in the middle of a field...faked phone calls...then went to war over it? Bush didn't need that big of a reason. Suddam has killed thousands of people. Bush would never put human lives on the line for oil. Again I dont mean this to be rude, and with all due respect you need to sit, wait, listen...and then REALLY think about this. Do you think you could out smart the government? Honestly as a 16yr old...do you really think you could outsmart some of the smartest people in the world? And Im not talking about Bush.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2006, 06:50:17 PM by *MAFIA* ThaSnyper »


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« Reply #38 on: April 24, 2006, 06:52:28 PM »

Thats why this is now in flame.  I dont discriminate, have a name calling contest, I dont care.

*MAFIA* KrautKiller

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« Reply #39 on: April 24, 2006, 07:04:54 PM »

Heres evidence that the president is trying to do something right :)

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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« Reply #40 on: April 24, 2006, 07:17:46 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* KrautKiller
Heres evidence that the president is trying to do something right :)

If people really wanna solve the gas prices, outlaw trucks, SUV's, and Fords. No one really needs these kinds of hideous vehicles, and for those who absolutely need a truck for work, go buy an 80's Datsun. Those things last forever and pull anything. Oh, and outlaw Hummers, especially the H2, what a disgusting looking tupperware-container on wheels.


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« Reply #41 on: April 24, 2006, 07:39:36 PM »

Fords? My Mustang GT and Ford Ranger get over 23mpg. Even the heavy duty trucks and SUV's get better mpg than others. They stopped making the Excursion. I know from experience...(I was there a month ago) you'll hardly ever see trucks there in California. In Newport Beach I think I saw more Ferrari's than Fords. A Ferrari will get the mpg a Ford F350 gets. Driving around other parts we were like the only Chevy Z71 on the road.  People here in Texas live and die by our trucks. Id bet that the 80's Datsun would burn more engine oil than gas. haha Trucks in Cali aren't needed, but in Texas and Im sure other states, we need large pickups to tow and go off road and such. Plus there are many hills and unpaved roads that an accord or VW couldn't handle. Just don't be ignorant to the cars driving around there too. BMW's, Benz's and other large lux cars get just as bad gas mileage as some large trucks. We have seen a turn away from unneeded SUV's. That problem will fizzle out itself. People can only afford so much.


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« Reply #42 on: April 24, 2006, 08:35:18 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper
. Are you saying that they dug a hole in the middle of a field...faked phone calls...then went to war over it? Bush didn't need that big of a reason. Suddam has killed thousands of people. Bush would never put human lives on the line for oil.

Bush absolutely needed a big reason to attack...look how many people are still opposed to the war despite what terrorists have done to the US. And whats a couple people here and there when one is considering billions of dollars worth of natural resources.
Quote from: *MAFIA* Swifty
As for Billy? I dont see how you have a say in this issue, your whole life contradicts reason. You are a nurse...Yet your husband is the bigest pothead I've ever seen. Hmm that makes sense. Where is your arguement about the issue other then trying to cause drama. You have none, so sit the fuck down and go back to your own gay little group of friends as your definatly not wanted here by me.
You personally attack me you will get one in return, I dont discriminate

Well my say on this is based on the fact this has been posted on a public forum. And you know nothing about my life so maybe YOU should sit the fuck down, because I never actually personally attacked you in the first place I simply stated that I was in agreement with Iceman. And even if I liked you, I still wouldn't care whether you wanted me here or not...I'm staying!

Billy Rubin

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« Reply #43 on: April 24, 2006, 08:36:39 PM »

^^^^^^Me^^^^^ ;)

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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« Reply #44 on: April 24, 2006, 08:37:57 PM »

Believe you me, Bakersfield ( i try to avoid the place, but they seem to make it to the central coast every time we have a vacation) is filled with the nastiest people ever, and while you may need trucks to conquer rough terrain in Texas, none of the people in bakersfield need them. They definitely do not need to lift it 3 feet either, just makes their diesel monstrosities look even worse, and my friend owns an F350...it gets 11mpg. While a mustang may get 23mpg, compare that to a '73 VW Bug which gets up to 38! That's better than the new hybrid that Ford is making. They're clearly not trying hard enough to get better gas mileage if a car from 1938 is able to spank it in gas mileage. While you might argue..."But hey, a Ford hybrid is much bigger and heavier than a VW, that's the reason" consider this, the VW can tow 1/2 a ton and still gets better gas than a hybrid SUV. I just can't stand ford's comercial marketing like that stupid one where it shows a truck lift a big-rig using a winch. What they didn't advertise is that for every loop that you make using a winch, it cuts the original weight in half; at least 4 loops are used in the comercial, making the truck tow a normal load, it's nothing that special. I just hate their marketing ploys.

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