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Author Topic: Terrorism  (Read 56514 times)


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« Reply #45 on: April 24, 2006, 09:39:09 PM »

Quote from: the all(-mighty Billy
Bush absolutely needed a big reason to attack...look how many people are still opposed to the war despite what terrorists have done to the US. And whats a couple people here and there when one is considering billions of dollars worth of natural resources.
Actually, in Loose Change, there's a section that they took from http://www.uspoliticsonline.com/forums/, which someone posted the articles and documents that Donald Rumsfeld and the PNAC stated:
A “core mission” for the transformed U.S. military is to “fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars,” according to the PNAC.

The strategic “transformation” of the U.S. military into an imperialistic force of global domination would require a huge increase in defense spending to “a minimum level of 3.5 to 3.8 percent of gross domestic product, adding $15 billion to $20 billion to total defense spending annually,” the PNAC plan said.

“The process of transformation,” the plan said, “is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event—like a new Pearl Harbor.”

Quote from: the all-mighty Billy
Well my say on this is based on the fact this has been posted on a public forum. And you know nothing about my life so maybe YOU should sit the fuck down, because I never actually personally attacked you in the first place I simply stated that I was in agreement with Iceman. And even if I liked you, I still wouldn't care whether you wanted me here or not...I'm staying!
DAMN RIGHT.  Stay!:)  I love getting banned from Republican political forums, who's soul purpose is to "retain the liberties of American's and other countries, as well as allowing the free flow of opinions."  Nothing better than getting banned by a bunch of un-educated hypocrites violating my first amendment right.  hahhahaha

Calling our country a terrorist organization was not out of line, considering that by definition, it is.  I never said anything about the intentions of soldiers, or anyone else in it.  Just stated a definition, and used "we" as a country.  Therefore, not an insult, because that's stating a FACT (swifty).

And I'll add to what Bush is working towards helping:
i'm joining doa;)

Snake Pliskin

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« Reply #46 on: April 24, 2006, 10:42:13 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Swifty
  You are a nurse...Yet your husband is the bigest pothead I've ever seen.

Thats funny fucktard cause I don't smoke, like I said before it is for recreational purposes only. Now that I am back at work it is pretty simple ......  hmmmmmmm let me see 6 figures or pot??  Maybe when you grow up and get out of mommy and daddy's house you might understand life; that is if u can pull your head out of your ass.The funny thing is 99% of your clan thinks your an assclown to begin with cause you seem to be an expert on everything anybody has an opinion about. I think your new title for the clan should be "Clan Drama Queen" you fit the description very well. Why Daddy puts up with your shit i have no idea, must be his cousins kid or something (no offence Daddy), cause you sure as hell do nothing for this clan but stir up shit. I guess there has to be a fucktard in every group may as well be you, cause you sure have mastered it.
BTW: Hi everyone else, except the fucktards 1,2 and 3. :)
-=3v0=- Sn4k3


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« Reply #47 on: April 24, 2006, 10:51:21 PM »

ROFL snake, sup bro


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« Reply #48 on: April 25, 2006, 12:14:55 AM »

I still can't believe that you think that those planes didn't crash. There are hundreds on photos of plane wreckage of plane parts, luggage and pieces of human remains including eye witnesses of the crashes. If you want the web sites I can send then to you, as long as you send an apology back.

Boemann (nl)

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« Reply #49 on: April 25, 2006, 05:07:16 AM »

hey snake :) hows it going, tell insane to unban me from your ventrilo. I don't give a shit about being banned from the site, but I did nothing wrong on ventrilo (neither on the site) but now devil has to go on the mafia vent every time he's online with me. thats kinda stupid.

Ok off topic, lol, but more posts are :D

GWAR 3:16

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« Reply #50 on: April 25, 2006, 12:45:14 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller
If people really wanna solve the gas prices, outlaw trucks, SUV's, and Fords. No one really needs these kinds of hideous vehicles, and for those who absolutely need a truck for work, go buy an 80's Datsun. Those things last forever and pull anything. Oh, and outlaw Hummers, especially the H2, what a disgusting looking tupperware-container on wheels.

You don't really *need* a computer, a TV, or a stereo.  Theres no reason why you couldn't replace them with an abacus, a book, or a guitar.  In fact, if you got rid of them, you would cut down on your hideous electricity consumption, which would cut down on energy costs.  

No one needs 99% of the garbage that fills most of your lives.  Eat fast food, get rich quick, spend less, get more, EZ financing, buy, super size, consume, and most of all, conform.

*MAFIA* ßlåkjáx

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« Reply #51 on: April 25, 2006, 01:05:01 PM »

Quote from: GWAR 3:16
You don't really *need* a computer, a TV, or a stereo.  Theres no reason why you couldn't replace them with an abacus, a book, or a guitar.  In fact, if you got rid of them, you would cut down on your hideous electricity consumption, which would cut down on energy costs.  

No one needs 99% of the garbage that fills most of your lives.  Eat fast food, get rich quick, spend less, get more, EZ financing, buy, super size, consume, and most of all, conform.

that is all true but those things, all of that which people want, but dont need, its what makes America, America. which is why the USA is the #1 superpower in the world. Those things that people want give others jobs, which is why most people can buy what they want. and the circle just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

GWAR 3:16

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« Reply #52 on: April 25, 2006, 01:23:10 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* ßlåkjáx
that is all true but those things, all of that which people want, but dont need, its what makes America, America. which is why the USA is the #1 superpower in the world. Those things that people want give others jobs, which is why most people can buy what they want. and the circle just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

If you think so.  Where do you think your buying power is going to come from in 25 years when America manufactures hardly anything?  Perhaps you can get some table scraps from the rich elites who sold out the middle class in favor of cheap third world labor.

Most people can't 'buy' what they want.  Most people can finance what they want.  That isn't the same thing.

"Those things that people want" are largely manufactured overseas now.  So certainly, your 80 dollar shoes that cost 50 cents to make provided a job for an 11 year old Chinese kid that makes 5 cents an hour.  Is the circle of wealth getting huge or what?

By the way, your version of America has existed for about 35 years, and really gained its foothold in the last 25, and is largely a by product of our TV culture.  Prior to roughly the 1960's most people preferred durable goods that had some intrinsic value other than the arbitrary value assigned to it by hip marketing campaigns, and didn't place as much value on a person's possessions.  People didn't buy poorly made garbage in an attempt to appear as cool as the gyrating(and carefully scripted) negro with various consumer goods in his hand that you see in commercials.

If you think this 'circle' you describe will keep increasing ad infinitum, you're wrong.


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« Reply #53 on: April 25, 2006, 01:45:45 PM »

We will be returning to that era soon. We are already beginning to see high inflation because the CPA has increased 3 points in the last year. It always does this. We will be looking at another recession soon mark my words. This is another reason why the idea that the government was behind 9/11 is crazy. It makes since why the terriorists would want to attack NYC. Its the location and heart of the economy. The French did it in 1975 with some what of a success. If you dont know what Im talking about the French horded American dollars during the Vietnam war and then as we were trying to pull out they wanted to exchage our money for gold. Thats why we dropped the gold standard in '75. The collapse of economy means collapse of the nation. Just ask the Romans what happend when they lost their silver mines. They know they cant beat us with technology, they know they cant beat our numbers. So they hit us where they thought they could destroy us. The WORLD TRADE CENTER. The heart and soul of the US economy. It makes since.

Also what you are saying contradics what you are accusing. You are saying that Bush is just going after oil and trying to use 9/11 as a cover to go to war. You've said Bush is a retard...but are you saying he's a really good actor? Come on....his laugh has got to be proof enough that hes not faking. He has had good intentions the whole way though. Now as far as the plan and execution of the plan is under par in my belief. I would never question his intentions though. Iceman you need to go to college first before you support these ideas. Trust me you'll learn a lot more than you think you know now.

*MAFIA* Wasserfaller

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« Reply #54 on: April 25, 2006, 02:30:44 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper

Also what you are saying contradics what you are accusing. You are saying that Bush is just going after oil and trying to use 9/11 as a cover to go to war. You've said Bush is a retard...but are you saying he's a really good actor? Come on....his laugh has got to be proof enough that hes not faking. He has had good intentions the whole way though. Now as far as the plan and execution of the plan is under par in my belief. I would never question his intentions though. Iceman you need to go to college first before you support these ideas. Trust me you'll learn a lot more than you think you know now.

I still find it hilarious that i have relatives who don't even live in the US and have better grammer/english than Bush does. Total BS that he graduated from Harvard or Yale or wherever he went.
What is the Alchole level pike at for you Duney.

*MAFIA* KrautKiller

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« Reply #55 on: April 25, 2006, 02:33:22 PM »

No ones poor, they are just to lazy to do anything with their lives....


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« Reply #56 on: April 25, 2006, 02:58:41 PM »

It's a lost cause on this forum.  I'm speaking to those who relay information, such as yourself Snyper.  You're like a French soldier in WWI.  Practically a sheep in the heard.  Your general tells you to jump up into no man's land, and run towards the enemy attempting attrition, and you say "ok."  The machine guns manned by 10-15 people then mow down hundreds of soldiers.  If the government told you to jump, you'd say "how high".

Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper
It makes since.
Nope... it makes SENSE.  Since is usually an association with a distance from (since)... a point in time.

Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper
Also what you are saying contradics what you are accusing. You are saying that Bush is just going after oil and trying to use 9/11 as a cover to go to war. You've said Bush is a retard...but are you saying he's a really good actor? Come on....his laugh has got to be proof enough that hes not faking. He has had good intentions the whole way though. Now as far as the plan and execution of the plan is under par in my belief. I would never question his intentions though.
Contradicts, and yes, when in a debate, spelling and punctuation are important as a way of showing your level of profession.

What did I contradict myself on?  When did I say he was a good actor?  Why wouldn't you question his intentions.  The first thing you are supposed to do is ask questions.  The only way you can find facts out are by asking questions.

Quote from: *MAFIA* ThaSnyper
Iceman you need to go to college first before you support these ideas. Trust me you'll learn a lot more than you think you know now.
And yet, you support my "one-sided" theory yet again.  Thank you for all the help on this, but really, I got it handled.  If you have looked into the "conspirators" theory, and if you were a good researcher, you would always check the source.  A large chunk of "conspirators," are college kids, or tend to be in the upper-class of education.  Basically, what you told me, is that college will help bring thoughts together.  So, congrats, thanks for proving to me that the general conspirator is an educated person who has solid evidence because of their education, allowing them to make a clean arguement.:)

College is a tool that will start the general analysis process if you aren't putting your brain to use already.  I am not the average child...  I've matured much quicker by being forced to take on higher responsibiliti es at earlier ages.  The fact that one of your arguements against me, is my age, is rediculous.  I'm one of the only 16 year old kids who even looks into politics.  The age of "conspirators" tend to be in there 20's and up, and the education level as higher college graduates.  Who is argueing for your side?  Many of those who don't support conspiratorist theories and argue against it have a lower education.  Many of them, went straight to the military after highschool, probably not able to get a damn good education in college.  The people who run your arguement, are the ones who you should be questioning the validity of.

Want some background knowledge on my thought process?  Here's some of my reading material that I've covered on my own:
Aristotle: On Dreams, On Generation and Corruption, On Interpretation, On Sense and Sensible, On the Heavens, On Physics, On Politics
Plato: Laws and Statesman
Thomas Hobbes -  Leviathan
George  Berkeley - Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
If I'm correct, a lot of that is read in college, and helps to form a basis of your thought process, analyzing, and concluding.  Now, I realize that what I think now will change.  I used to think that girls had cuties and I'd never change!  Change is imminent, and unavoidable.  My friends who bitch about their parents not letting them stay out past 1:00 in the morning... there thoughts will change.  They'll have kids, and then they'll think of the safety they want for them, and do the same as their parents did, despite there feelings of when they were taught.  At least I acknowledge it.

Quote from: Ratman
I still can't believe that you think that those planes didn't crash. There are hundreds on photos of plane wreckage of plane parts, luggage and pieces of human remains including eye witnesses of the crashes. If you want the web sites I can send then to you, as long as you send an apology back.
Yes, please, post them up on the forums!  I'm considering this a debate right now, and the only way any of us can learn anything, is to post what we got.  Hopefully what I say will rub off on some of you, and hopefully you can show me something that will rub off on me.  What I've been saying this WHOLE time, is SHOW ME.  Show me a plane hitting the Pentagon.  Show me plane parts at the Pentagon.  Show me a plane at Shanksville.  Hell, show me body parts from Shanksville, considering the fact that the corener had nothing to inspect.

And, if you do have pictures of wreckage from the Pentagon, or wreckage at Shanksville, then the government contradicted themselves.  Congrats!  There's wreckage!  Then why the hell did they tell us that BOTH planes were incinerated upon impact?  When we can clearly see that there is wreckage to be examined.  The wreckage would have been destroyed if it were to be incinerated, so why would they say that?


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« Reply #57 on: April 25, 2006, 03:02:51 PM »

Quote from: *MAFIA* Wasserfaller
I still find it hilarious that i have relatives who don't even live in the US and have better grammer/english than Bush does. Total BS that he graduated from Harvard or Yale or wherever he went.

Agreed.  Also, why is that the current governor of Texas is STILL trying to pull Texas' education out of the whole... when our "literate" president who has such a higher class education ran it before becoming president?

Quote from: Kraut
No ones poor, they are just to lazy to do anything with their lives....

Wrong.  I've been poor.  Children who are born into an area where they have nothing, and are helpless, are poor.  I believe that there are no poor adults, only bad decisions.


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« Reply #58 on: April 25, 2006, 03:49:12 PM »

Oh please, don't use a couple grammar mistakes against me. It's a forum, I was writing quickly. Call me lazy if you want. Im in one of the top schools in the nations. I don't respond to ignorant comments like your "how high" Bs. Yes age has everything to do with it. So does intelligence. You learn more as you get older. It has nothing to do with the "age of conspirators". Ok...so you are more "mature" than most the kids your age because you look into politics? You aren't old enough to understand the ins and outs of politics. It's more than what you think. You are just a know it all teenager who says something before he understands it. You show me proof that what you are saying is valid. If you can't then you had better quit talking crap about Bush because he outsmarted you. You don’t have any solid proof of anything. You have a model of a plane flying into the pentagon. What does that prove? Iceman, turn around and see what you've learned in the last 6 yrs. Think about what you will learn in the next 6 years. Do you think someone dug a huge hole in the ground...and wasn't smart enough to plant a plane there?! HELLO!! You aren't dealing with Frank from the junk yard. You think they are keeping the public from knowing some of the details?? YEAH...they are!! Do you want the public to know about our secret technology? Do you want the public to know where we keep all of our oil reserves? Do you want the public to have the floor plans to Fort Knox? If Bush wanted a war, there were a lot better ways to go about getting it. There are too many eye witnesses, two that I know personally. I’ve spoken with President Bush. I’ve heard and researched both sides. It is still crazy. I wouldn't jump for anyone but my friends and family. If you could deal with all the pressure that he's had to go though any better Id love to see you try. Take a look at pictures from him 5 yrs ago to now. He looks beat up. Your theory is biased and has no physical backing. It's all speculation. Frankly, it's even more crazy than the staged man on the moon theory. Im done.


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« Reply #59 on: April 25, 2006, 04:20:33 PM »

You are a dumb ass.

End of story.  If you're not going to even read, or look, at anything I put up, I won't bother showing it.

I clearly have read your stuff, showing how I've answered what you've wanted to see multiple times, and I've quoted everything you've said, and replied.  Wish you would do the same, but you don't have 1/2 the intellectual capacity that it takes.

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